Chapter 11

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I woke up at 8 , i can hardly move my hand to shut down the alarm.
Why?! Why do we have to wake up so early , i can't even keep my mind working to complain little more, when i drifted back to sleep , i was unconsciously waiting for my phone to ring again but it didn't , and i couldn't care less , i just rolled to find a more comfortable position .
when i properly woke up , it was sunny .
i m sure it's at least past 10 , that's far from 9 , I checked my phone for time only to find it dead , owww honey bobo loves his mommy and lets her sleep , can't say i m not happy , but i know once i ll turn on my phone hell will break lose , as expected once on it kept on buzzing again and again , i received hundreds no thousands of messages from Cat , i ignored all and called her explained myself , she seemed understanding , but i knew that she didn't wanna to ruin my morning, which i appreciate , i have to go collect my part of work and get back to .. Relax all day
*phone buzz*

'Morning Brayn' i sound shocked which he notice
'Hi just woke up i suppose ' he said with a chuckle
'You got me i was too tired ' i confess, why hide the obvious
'I totally blame you ,it's because of that juice ' i added smiling
' no if so i d be still asleep , it's 12:19 i don't think you met the teacher '
Holy cow it's just waaay past 10 o clock 'no girls did yet i have to go to school bring my part' i said .
He spoke after a second ' guess you won't come to have lunch with me '
How did we end up to this conclusion i want to meet him again ' yeah i guess so ' i said unsure
' i kinda thought you wouldn't you lazy , it's okey i can come there we can meet in same place after one hour deal ? ' he said cheerful.
I m liking this guy more then i should , i just like when someone takes decisions and procede in them , he is making an effort that i appreciate ' yeah sure deal , thank you '

He replied 'My pleaser i ll let you get ready and go to school , bye '
I said too happy ' take care '


I checked how i looked in mirror my pale jeans along with my yellow lemon shirt and black bag and matching black shoes , it's a warm day so ain't taking a jacket my phone rang i answered knowing already who's calling , 'illbethereintwominutes' I said in one time knowing i m late 10 minutes already , 'you better be here in two minutes or i'll eat you instead of lunch' i just replayed with a laugh, getting bold aren't we .....

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⏰ Last updated: Jun 17, 2016 ⏰

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