My Sci-Fi - A Spotlight on @Nika_Yaya

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I think that perhaps my initial face when AngusEcrivain asked me to participate in the sci-fi smackdown was a little bit along the lines of "WTF?" I was not a sci-fi writer, and too be honest I don't think I knew what that even entailed. I took a glance at the Forbidden planet page, reading the carefully deconstructed styles of sci-fi and a sense of impending doom began to take over.

Fortunately for me a lack of ability to realize my limits, and quite possibly a death wish. So I wrote my first sci-fi, and found that I not only did it, I kind of enjoyed it. So much so that I continue even when there is no crown to be won.

Like The Tin Man, my newest escapade. Derived from an off kilter idea to warp the Wizard of OZ, I created a world torn apart by families determined to create better and badder ass soldiers for their territorial wars, totally oblivious to the real victims, the now underground inhabitants of the ruby red planet. Adding a twist to capture the remaining OZ character, The Tin Man centers on my favorite topic- Humanity.

It wasn't till after I made an effort to write Sci-Fi capable of standing along side the other writers involved in the smackdown *cough* Parishsp, *cough* Dan *cough* Gav *cough* Ash. cough cough, sorry, bit of sci-fi stuck in my throat. Any ways, being amongst such great writers and having to work so hard made me realize that I actually have appreciated quite a bit of sci-fi before, though I didn't really categorize it as such. 12 monkeys, Inception, the Matrix, and my personal favorite, WALL.E, all show the choices presented to humans and how our choices affect so much more than just ourselves. It shows how power relates to humanity, and how amazing and scary we can make our own world.

As for me, I think Sci-Fi has embedded itself in my mind, I may have to see a doctor for that, because now along with the romance and poli-sci that riddles my mind, I know am in the process of producing and posting a new version of sci-fi, a tale of how our world's created, and how death is but a passage into another life, all controlled by inhuman spirits. Death Dealers will hopefully be up soon, so stay tuned, the aliens have not finished with me yet :D

Tevun-Krus #1 - First ContactTahanan ng mga kuwento. Tumuklas ngayon