Chapter 15: Once More With Feeling

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The next morning, Nathan and the crew were on the move.

Nathan: "So, how's everyone?"

Jonah: "Good."

Sully: "Great."

Lara: "Perfect."

Nathan: "Well, that's just wonderful, guys."

Sully: "So, kid. What happened?"

Nathan: "Well, when I was still fighting the Egyptians, something hit me. Lara was yelling and I couldn't quite understand what was going on until an Egyptian got me out of the way."

Jonah: "Did you know who it was?"

Nathan: "Couldn't tell. I didn't get to see its face. Just the eyes."

Sully: "What color?"

Nathan: "Brown."

Jonah: "Hmm. I don't like it, Nathan. It's probably a bad sign. A big one."

Sully: "Me too, Jonah. I agree. What if it was a threat? Or an assassin?"

Nathan: "Then we would probably kill it."

Sully: "Yeah, like a wild animal just waiting to be a good meal." Everyone stopped and looked at Sully like are you insane.

Nathan: "That's a little bit too much, Sully. We want to kill it. Not eat it."

Sully: "I know. I'm just saying that so it'll make you sick to your stomachs."

Nathan: "Jonah, are we there to the pyramid of Giza?"

Jonah: "We're getting close. Just a few more miles to go."

Sully: "At least that's good."

Nathan: "Yes. Yes, it is." He looks behind himself and sees Lara looking down.

Nathan: "You seem very quiet." Lara didn't say anything. Nathan's camel backed up next to Lara. Nathan puts his hand on her arm.

Nathan: "Lara, are you alright?"

Lara: "I'm okay."

Nathan: "Are you sure?"

Lara: "I'm okay, really."

Nathan: "Okay, just making sure that you are." Someone popped out in front of Nathan.

Nathan: "Whoa! Damn!" The camel got scared too, but Nathan calmed it down.

Sully: "What's the problem, kid?"

Nathan: "This jerk just jumped out in front of my camel!" Nathan took out his revolver in front of the boy.

Lara: "Nathan, don't shoot him."

Jonah: "Hold on, Nathan. Maybe he knows where the crown pieces are. He must have been out here for a while. Why don't you ask for help instead of just point blank shooting him."

Sully: "He does have a point, kid."

Nathan: (Sighs) "Alright. I'm listening." He puts his gun away back in his side holster. "Start talking."

Boy: "I know where to go to get the crown pieces of Charta. The pyramid of Giza."

Nathan: "Yes, we kind of knew that already."

Boy: "There is also an underground path underneath the pyramid of Giza. Something hidden. A secret door to the crown pieces."

Jonah: "Secret door?"

Boy: "Yes, secret door."

Nathan: "What's your name, boy?"

Rai's: "Rai's, sir. Rai's.

Nathan: "How old are you?"

Rai's: "18, sir."

Nathan: "Hold on a minute." He paused and a flashback came to his head. It's the one where Nathan was on top next to a pillar and it was about to crush him.

**Lara: (In flashback) "Nathan, look out!" The hooded boy pushed him out of the way. The flashback ends.

Rai's: "Sir? Sir? Are you alright?"

Nathan: "You were the hooded figure who pushed me out of the way and then you ran away." Rai's nodded his head. Nathan was really concerned. "Why?"

Rai's: "Because sir I saw your heart filled with happiness and you were good to that woman and your friends. You loved them. And I ran away because I thought you would change your ways."

Nathan: "Oh. Well, that's never going to happen. I won't change my ways."

Rai's: "Be careful what path you choose or what side you choose. Because it might happen. Follow me."
The crew kept going until they found the pyramid of Giza.

Sully: "Is this it, Rai's? Is this really the pyramid of Giza?" Everyone got off their camels.

Rai's: "Yes, it is. The crown pieces should be down below underground. In the Pharoah's tomb: Pharaoh Phoenix."

Nathan: "Alright, everyone

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Nathan: "Alright, everyone. Let's see if it's in there for sure." Everyone walked down into the Pyramid of Giza. The doors slowly closed behind them.

(End of Chapter 15: Once More With Feeling)

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