Chapter 14: Flaming Hot Sand

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The tents were on fire and and their camps were invaded by Egyptians. Sully came running out of his tent.

Sully: "Whoa, whoa whoa! What the hell!" Nathan shoots with his revolver.

Sully: "Nathan, what the hell is going on here?!"

Nathan: "We're in a god damn warzone! We're being invaded!"

Sully: "Oh, really? By who? Cowboys?!"

Nathan: "No, you old fossil! Egyptians! Get your weapons and help me, damn it!" He kept firing at the Egyptians on horses.

Sully: "All right!"

Nathan: "And protect the Emerald!" Nathan kept firing and saw Lara next to him.

Nathan: "Lara, can you fight?"

Lara: "Of course I can fight! Besides..." She took out her dual pistols. "....two guns are better than one, Nathan." She ran charging at them and Nathan joined her. Jonah came out with a submachine gun and Sully came out with a shotgun.

Sully: "Time to party, Jonah!"

Jonah: "Let's go!" They both started firing.

Nathan: "Hey, look who started to join."

Sully: "Yep, kid. I feel alive!"

Nathan: "Do you have the Emerald?"

Sully:"We got it! It was with Jonah the whole time!"

Nathan and Lara: "What?!"

Sully: "Yep, but don't worry. I'll explain when we're out of this mess." Nathan got up top of one of the structures and kept firing at the Egyptians. One of them almost fired at Nathan and luckily Nathan ducked. Suddenly, the pillar was about to fall on Nathan and Lara saw what's falling.

Lara: "Nathan, look out! Behind you!"

Nathan: "Lara, what is it?" Suddenly at that moment, someone pushed him out of the way and they landed on the sand.

Lara sighs with relief. "Thank god." She heard a horse neighing behind her and when she turned around, an Egyptian came with a sword and swipes the guns out of her hands.

Lara:"Oh, crap." The Egyptian came back and knocked her out and she fell to the ground. Meanwhile, Nathan got up and saw the hooded guy who just save his life.

Nathan: "Are you okay? Who are you?" The guy ran away while Nathan hold out his hand.

Nathan: "Wait! Come back!"

Sully: "Nathan! A little help here!" Nathan turned around and saw Sully and Jonah ran from the leader of the Egyptians.

Nathan: "Aww, hell." Nathan ran to the leader and starts to shoot at him. The leader tries to block the bullet, but it shattered his sword into a million pieces on the sand. Nathan smiled a smirk. The leader kicked Nathan in the face, but Nathan flipped and grabbed his dynamite. The dynamite was already lit up. The leader stopped in his tracks and he looked at the dynamite.

Leader of the Egyptians: (Speaks Egyptian) "STOP!" Everyone stopped fighting especially the Egyptians. Sully punched one of them in the face.

Sully: "Whoa! What's going on? Who blew the whistle?"

Leader of the Egyptians: (Speaks Egyptian) "Stand down, comrades!" He looks at Nathan.

Nathan: "Hey, buddy. I don't like it when you invade our camps and mess with my friends. Back off or I'll kill you in your sleep along with your friends."

Leader of the Egyptians: (Speaks English) "You have a courageous heart, but not courageous enough. You must leave now or you and your friends will die of a horrible death."

Nathan: "Ooh, scary. Pfft. Please, I am the most courageous and handsome man on this planet! Nothing can stop us!"

Leader of the Egyptians: (Speaks English) "I will tell you once more to leave. You have been warned. Stay away from this place and never come back." Nathan rolled his eyes and the Leader of the Egyptians commanded his people.

Leader of the Egyptians: (Speaks Egyptian) "Egyptians, regroup with me! Let's move!" They got on their horses and rode away from the camps.

Sully: "They're retreating! Nathan, we got them!"

Nathan was trying to take out the fuse stick out of the dynamite. "Yeah. For now. He got the fuse out of the dynamite and threw it on the sand and the fire went out. He turned around and saw Lara on the sand knocked out.

Nathan was worried. "Lara." He ran to her and kneeled next to her and she moved a little. She grabbed his hand.

Nathan: "Hey, are you alright?"

Lara: "Yes, I'm fine." Nathan helped her up.

Nathan: "Are you sure?"

Lara: "Thank you, Nathan." He gently caressed Lara's cheek to her neck to check if she has bruises.

Sully: "I can't believe we got those Egyptians! I was so pumped! We have to celebrate!"

Nathan: "No. Not right now. First we have to find all 3 pieces and then we celebrate."

Sully: "Fine. Whatever you say, kid."

Nathan: "Tomorrow morning, we find the crown pieces. For sure."

Jonah: "I agree."

Nathan: "Then it's settled. We're going to Giza tomorrow."

(End of Chapter 14: Flaming Hot Sand)

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