10. Murphys revenge

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"We've been driving for hours!" Murphy complained. He had been complaining amd whining ever since we set of that morning and by now it was really starting to annoy me. I could tell that Cassandra was getting irritated by it now. He kept waking her up and she really needed her sleep because of her infected leg.
"Come on Murphy, put your big boys pants on and stop complaining!" I say. This earns a chuckle from Warren and Doc. Murphy shoots me a death stare
"But I'm soooooo bored" Murphy complained
"I know so are we but look at us. We're doing something called keeping our mouths shut. You should try it sometime" said Addy joining in.
"Quit you arguing! Theres a pond thing over there so we'll stop when we get to it" said Warren.

After a few more minetes Warren pulled up at the pond. It was massive! It reminded me of when me and my dad would go fishing in the summer. Everything we caught we put it back. That was my dad, a gentle giant. He wouldn't hurt a fly. I wonder what he'd think of who I've become?
"Finally!" Said Murphy climbing out of the van. 10k rolled his eyes and got out too.

Outside it was sunny and the tempreture had rocketed.
"Any longer in there and I would of drowned in my own sweat" said Murphy. Me and the rest of the group ignored him and split up to all take breaks. Keeping in sight of everyone else of course.

I spotted 10k next to the pond. I walked over and tapped him on the shoulder. He turned and smiled
"Hey. Whats up?" He said. I pecked him on the lips and he grinned
"Just wanted to do that" I said grinning back. 10k then pulled me in again and this time the kiss was longer. It was sweet and gentle however filled with passion also.
"Hey kids! Keep it PG 13" yelled Doc from the truck. I pulled away and laughed. So did 10k.

I walked away from 10k standing at the very edge of the pond. A nice breeze kept coming from it sending the salty air to keep me cool.
"Hey Song Bird!" I hear Murphy yell. I turn around just in time to see him running towards me. The next thing I know is that I'm submerged in the ponds icy water. I surface gasping for air. 10k and Addy run up and help me out of the pond while Murphy is on the floor, laughing so much that tears are falling down his face.
"What did you do that for?!" 10k shouted at him. Obviously angry at what Murphy had just done. 10k held me close to him
"That my dear boy, was pay back for when she woke me up. I hope you've learned your lesson, little bird" said Murphy still laughing. 10k shot him a death stare and pulled me back to the truck.
"Are you ok?" He asked a worrid look on his face. I nod my head
"Just a bit wet. Murphy mean" I say pouting. 10k chuckled.
"You really are like a big kid" he said
"Well your a man-child!" I retort. 10k pecks my lips
"Then we're the perfect pair."
-------------------------------------------------------------(A/N) Hi! A short but sweet chapter. I really enjoyed writing this and I kept laughing as well.

Right guys, I need suggestions on what you'd like to see. As you've noticed I'm not really following the story a huge amount because I wanted the charcters to be seen for who they are more, if that makes sense. Or if you want me to carry o what I'm doing now then tell me to carry on.

I really love writing this so if you woudd comment and vote it would really mean a lot to me. I also hope you enjoy my new book whats out called 'I'd rather die trying'. Just added a cheeky spon in there XD

Ta ta for now :)

The Snipers Girl(Z-Nation/10k)Where stories live. Discover now