9. Lazy morning

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I woke up engulfed in the arms of 10k. It felt good to be near him, it almost made me forget that zombies are out there roaming the streets. I smiled to myself and looked at him. His jet black hair was all tangled from sleeping and the lack of showers. His chapped lips were slightly parted.

"Take a picture it will last longer" 10k said in his husky morning voice. Damn, I got caught! His eyes snapped open and I felt myself blush. I tried to get up but his grip on me tightened.
"And where do you think your going?" He said smirking at me.
"Your mean" I said trying to supress a smile
"Am not!"he said pouting
"Prove it" I said. I went to turn away but 10k quickly pulled me back. He looked at me before kissing me gently. My hands found their way to his hair and I began playing with it. We both pulled away for breath before kissing each other again.

After a 10 minete make-out session I pulled away. 10k smirked
"Told you I'm not mean"
"That didn't prove anything!" I said chuckling.
"I like this. Being able to hold you in my arms. Being near you. It makes me feel happy and safe" he said softly. I giggled at him and he gave me a confused look.
"You need to stop being so darn cute or I'll start kissing you again" I said
"Oh trust me, I wouldn't mind that" 10k said smirking. I slapped his arm playfully and then starred at his arm in shock
"Since when did you get muscles?" I asked poking his arm.
"Honestly, dunno. Why, like what you see?" He said cockily. 10k was getting braver. I'll give him that.
"What? A man-child who is dorky and counts how many z's he kill's?" I say inoccently. He glares at me before saying
"Haha, very funny Zoey" I smirk and give him a quick peck on the cheek.
"But your my man-child" I said and snuggled into his chest. After a few minetes of silence I hear 10k's content little snores. I giggle quietly and feel my eye lids go heavy...

Somebody was shaking me lightly. I opened my eyes to see Addy
"Hiya, come on we need to be going soon" she says before walking out of the room. I look over to see that next to me is an empty space. I quickly get ready and slide down the bannister next to the staircase. Laughing all the way down. As I jump of at the end I am met by an amused looking Mack
"What? Can't a girl have fun?" I ask. He laughs and shakes his head. 10k walked in just at that momment. Mack walked over to him and patted him on the shoulder
"You've got your hands full there, bud" he says before walking away.
"Hey!" I say crossing my arms. 10k grins at me and chucks me a breakfast bar
"Eat up we're rolling out soon" he says. I nod my head and eat the breakfast bar greedily. 10k looks at me with an uncertain expression on his face
"Stop judging me" I say giggling. He turns around to walk away and I run and jump on his back. 10k laughs and grabs my legs to hold me up.
"You know something?" He says
"Nope,its hollow up here" I say knocking on my head. 10k chuckles before saying
"Well you should know that I love you." I feel my heart melt. My gosh, the things this sniper boy did to me!
"I love you too" I say as we walk out of the house. About to set off in our truck once more.
(A/N) Hi guys! First of all, let me get this out of my system... DAMN THAT PICTURE OF NAT ZANG! I swear, his smile is the best thing since sliced bread.

I just want to say a big thank you for all the veiws. I had no idea that so many people were reading my book and I was in complete shock when I saw it tonight. So a massive thank you. You are all awesome!

So what do we think of Zoey and 10k's relationship? I think its cute but I'm probably being bia's because I wrote and imagened it.

Thats all for now guys. Ta ta! :)

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