The wedding : getting ready

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(Karens pov)

Everyone was getting ready the girls were all doing there make up and hair my hair had already been done so everyone else had to get ready
I went into mine and matts room to get the dress on I laid to dress out in the bed and look at it  

"Karen" Jenna called "you okay"
She shouted

"Yeah fine just getting the dress on"
I shouted back down to her

I picked up the dress and put it on then I put the vail on them the shoes I looked in the mirror and smiled

"Today I will become Karen smith" I said to my self

"Karen smith I like that" Nina said when she came into the room

"Yeah can you believe it years ago me and Matt said that we will never get together never get married never have kids but look ate and him now here I am getting ready to marry him" I said

"Yeah but I all ways knew you would get together if you hadn't of had the twins you guys would still get together we have all seen the way he look at you the way he is with you the way he's not scared to be with you" Nina said as we looked in the mirror

"Before I met him my  life was really boring my world had fallen down and broke into a million pieces but that day when I met Matt my world was suddenly rebuilt and it made me happy and now I get to wake up with him untill the end" I said starting to tear up

"Aww don't cry" Nina said "now let go down everyone wants to see you in the dress" Nina said as we went down

Everyone was ready we went to take some photos in the back garden my dad was trying his eyes out

"So karen you ready" selena asked

"Yeah" I said me,my dad, selena, Nina, candice, ad Alex got in the forint limo and the rest in the other

And we drove off

Sorry for the short chapter

I am really existed to write about there married lives :)

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