Christmas day

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(Matt pov)

I woke up then I realised it was Christmas and the twins were all ready awake and so was Karen she was sat on the floor in our room playing with the twins

"Hey babe" Karen said getting up and coming over to me

"Marry Christmas babe" I reply kissing her "and marry Christmas to my two little monkeys" I say picking them up and kissing them both on the head I gave James to Karen and I had Alice we went down stairs opens a few presents

Later on our family's came round catlin ( Karens cousin) went straight to the twins later on some friends of ours came around I had like no idea Karen was friends with Selena Gomez

It was really fun everyone was around the twins a lot well they are really cute

"So matt any sign of Arthur" Karen asked mr looking around

"No" I  said sadly

"Oh do you think he's okay" Karen asked in a worried voice

"I don't know I do hope he okay" I said sadly again

"Do you think it's because of what happens with the lady gaga gaga thing" Karen asked me

"Probley" matt said

"Oh look Jenna's here I better go say hi" Karen said then she went off to see jenna

I was a bit sad Arthur want there he's are best friend and we are worried about him

While Karen was talking to jenna I went and stood out side for a bit it was snowing a white Christmas it was amazing children throwing snow balls and laughing I was enjoying the outside so much I didn't notice Karen standing next to me

I looked at Karen standing beside me she looked beautiful snowflakes in her hair her eyes sparkling she is beautiful
I took her hand in mine I was to busy to notice that Karen had picked up some snow ready to throw at me she took a step back and I ducked as she trowed her snow ball before we knew it we were throwing snow balls at each other laughing our heads of like little children

after our little madness of fun me and Karen went back in

"Wow what happend to you to" my mum asked me and Karen

"Nothing" me and Karen said laughing

Soon after Laura my sister started to sing along to karaoke then so did everyone else it was what I call horrifying

"It is horrifying matt it's not what you call horrifying it is horrifying

"Karen stay out of my head"

Later on after Christmas dinner I went out the back and set up the fireworks I love fireworks but I hate logging them last year I lit one and as I was running away from it the firework went up the back of my top I supposed it didn't leave a scar

"Matt be cearful " Karen shouted as I lit theme hen my dad offered to lit them because of what happend last year

" let me light them" my dad said

" no I'm fine doing it dad" I replied kindly

"No after what happend last year" dad said

"It. Won't happen again" I said

"And you need to be with Karen tonight it's Christmas " he said pointing over to Karen  

"Fine them" I said then I walked over to Karen

"You not lighting them this year" Karen asked

"No dads not letting me" I said making a sad face

"Aw matt you can light them next year" Karen said ten kissed me I wrapped my arms around her as we waited for the fireworks

"Stand back everyone" jenna shouted

"I love you Karen Sheila gillan" I said in to Karens ear

"I love you more Matthew Robert smith" Karen said back to me I kissed her on the lips

We watched the fireworks go off together with our family and out friends together

Now this is the best Christmas ever

Marry Christmas everyone and a happy new year x x x x

Sorry for the misspelled words of course auto correct has enjoyed me through out this chapter well this story

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