I can't write without shoes on!

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Those of us who like to write aren't always very logical. Some of us have crazy little routines we like to do before, during, and after we write. Some of it is just some type of OCD, or maybe even some type of superstition we develop over time. Kind of like when athletes think they need to wear a certain pair of lucky socks or shirt when they play.

But writers are an even weirder bunch. I know a writer who has to have certain little figurines on her desk when she writes or she doesn't feel right about writing. I know another writer who has to get on the subway to do her final reading of her story before publishing it. No subway, no story. 

I don't have many of these that I know of. I am uncomfortable writing without shoes or socks. As a matter of fact I need to be fully dressed to sit down and write. I can't write in pajamas (if I had any). I don't know why but writing is kind of a formal thing which requires a formal attitude which of course requires a formal setting. I think it comes from years of being a police investigator sitting in an office in a suit and tie typing away writing reports. The only exception to this is writing in pen and paper. I can do that practically naked if I had to. Stop trying to picture it. lol 

Oh, I also like using a typing program that lets my laptop sound like an old fashion typewriter. I don't know why that is though. I don't remember using an old fashion typewriter very much. But I like the sound of it. Sometimes when I am in a rut I turn it on and tell myself "Just keep the sound going. Don't let the sound stop." That keeps me writing when I don't think I can. Don't know why but it works. 

Okay, okay I'll fess up. I have a little batman figurine that watches me when I write sometimes. Not always, but once in awhile. Don't judge me. 

Anyway, just wondering what little (or big) idiosyncrasies you wonderful Wattpad writers might have when you write. Come on and share. Nothing freaky. I don't want to have to call the cops. 

Hope you writers are having a great writing day!

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