Who is it?

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*Bonus Special*

Eleven years later.....

"Whewwwww....... Verrrrrroooo... Rrrrrrrrrrrrrr."

"Ahhh Knock it off, you are waking up Lolli."

"Reerow... Dooch dooch dooch... Surprise attack!"

"Ahhhhh, Jay... Stop!"

"All your dumb dollies are dead. Doove doove doove."

I groaned and sat up looking at my siblings. "Why are you two so noisy?"

They looked at me and started rambling about who did what. The only thing I heard was plane and dolly. Why they decided to play in my room I had no idea. I scooped up the plane and the dolls and throw them out of the window.

"Get out of my room now."

"Ahhhh Lolli and pepita... You killed them."

"Mommy!" They both yelled.

"Mommy, mommy." I mimicked their cries. They were so much fun to tease. "Oops, they went out of the window." I doubled over laughing.


"Jason, Jayda why are you two yelling?" Mom appeared with her hands on her hips.

I stifled my laughter and pretend to be sleeping she would buy it. I was sleeping until they woke me up.

"Jared." Jayda shinned.

"Jared... Jared, is he still sleeping?"

"No, he's not mommy he threw my dollies out the window."

Jayda was such a sellout. She had no idea what the words tattle tail or loyalty meant. I would get her back by scaring her with ghost stories later.

"Jared stop tormenting your sister."

"My aeroplane too."

I rolled over on the bed. "We're just playing ma."

She frowned at me. "I will take your PlayStation if they complain one more time." Mom could be such a buzzkill at times.

"Fine." I was way too deep in assassin's creed to have my game reset. Mom knew how much it killed me when she deleted all of my logs and she does not hesitate to do it. It was her ultimate Jared control button. I can never win when she threatens my precious games.

Jayda stuck her tongue out at me."Haha haha."

I looked at her. "You know, liver man does not like kids that tell on each other."

She crossed her arms. "I did not tell."

I started shaking my head. "Yes, you did... Both of you did. And now liver man is coming tonight for your livers to put them in the liver drum."

Jayda covered her face and Jason ran into my arms.

"I don't want the liver man to come for me." He cried.

"Well if you behave and stop telling on me he won't come."

Jayda peeked through her fingers. "I'm sorry Jared."

I smirked at my gullible siblings. Jodie and Allie used to scare me all the time with the liver man stories when we were younger. They even snuck into my room at nights pretending to be the liver man. Now it was my turn. At the mention of liver man I had them eating out of my hands.

"Too late he is coming for you."

She started crying and ran out of the room. Straight to mom no doubt. She was such a little coward.

I pulled a packet of skittles from underneath my pillow. "Want some candy, eat the yellow ones and Liverman won't take you." Not true I just hated the yellow ones.

A few bites later mom and Jayda returned.

Jason jumped up and began pointing at Jayda."Liver man is gonna get you Jayda, I ate all the liver candy!"

She wrapped her arms around mom. "Mommy."


"I don't make the rules ma. I warned her, now liver man is gonna get her."

She screamed and buried her face into mom's leg. "Jayda stop it."

"Cry cry baby wala wala dumpling." Jason started dancing around. I laughed at this. Mom smiled. She must have been thinking about all those times I used to be afraid of the liver man. Jodie and Allie did a number on me back then.

"Do you want me to finish your birthday cake or not?"

I raised my hands in the air. "I'm done, I'm done."

Out of the blue doorbell rang. "Did you invite your friends over early?" Asked mom. "A warning would have been nice."

"I didn't, I told Shane to come over at two that's it."

I moved over to the window to get a look. Shane was not supposed to be here until two. It was not her I could barely see who it was. It was a guy but none I had ever seen before.

I looked at mom. "I don't know who that is."

"Go answer the door then." She signaled Jason toward her. "Come on sweetie it's time for lunch."

I hauled on a T-shirt and headed to the door. The door goes off again. How impatient was this guy?

I opened the door and could you believe he was going to ring the doorbell again. He froze then looked at me. Holy crap... My jaws dropped open, something flew into my eyes. What I was seeing could not be right. It was me. I mean he looked just like me.


"Who the hell are you?" No, it was not that obvious. He could be a clone, alien, or me from the future that was here to kill me. Like in the movie 'The One'. This would suck cause I do not have Jet lee's skills.

"I'm your brother."

I could not deny it. If he had said he was my son I would have believed him... But son of a bitch... Where did he come from?

Mom walked up behind me. "Jared, who is it?"


We have come to the end of this amazing story. Be sure to read book two 👌Moments in Between 👌 Thank you for reading and if you read to the end I know you enjoyed it.



And thanks a lot again for taking the time to read my first Wattpad book. I appreciate it a lot.  😘😘😁😁

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