Chapter 3

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Here is Chapter 3 as promised

I hope you enjoy it.


First Comment will Get the Next Dedication ^_^


I wish thunder could just strike me down right now.

 I could feel my knee trembling and my heart making an attempt to jump out of my chest.

I was completely horrified! Being horrified can't even describe this sick feeling in my tummy!

That did not just happen right there, my parent didn’t just walk in on me. I tried to assure myself, Maybe I'm just imagining this. OH FUCK IT! I'm Screwed for life.

Its better I just say goodbye to my life right now..

Where is a time machine when you need one? I dough my fingers into my palm as hard as I could hoping I will be able to wake up from this nightmare. My lips started trembling, I wish I could just die now, and there is nothing worse than you getting caught with both of your parent with a guy on top of you, trust me when I say this!

You could feel the tension in the room at this time, I took a look over to my mum where she was resting against the wall with her arms crossed.

I could see the total disappointment in her face and the sparkle of tears of anger; would she be able to trust me at home alone ever again? I was almost at tears thinking about this, I just tried so much to keep my calmness.

My mum has  dirty blond hair, me and Kim got our hair colour from dad but we definitely got our height from her, my mum is  5’3 but you probably would not notice as she’s obsessed with high heeled shoe, she is in her mid forty’s but look about thirty five. I’m not going to lie; my mum is an extremely gorgeous woman with blue eyes and a killer smile that you would melt at.

Not that she’s smiling right now.

You definitely wouldn’t like to get on her bad side, I guess I hinherited my violence part from her.

I slowly looked away from her and suddenly the patterns on the carpet look so interesting, I count the amount lines that ran through it.

I took another look at my mum and she looks so.... I don’t know

He face was filled with so many different  emotion, I could see a tear sparkling in her left eye and anger all across her face, as well as disappointment.

“I wished this never happened” I repeated again firmly in my head hoping I’d wake up soon.

I stole  another look at Wilo and he didn't seem bothered about this very much. Which just made me want to hit him a slap across that gorgeous face of his, he was taking turns in looking at each one of us. Almost like he didn’t care or it’s no big deal at all, nothing new.

I was forced to break the silent in the room.

“It not what it looked like” I blunted out.

And then heard a snigger from Wilo

“It’s not what it looked like” He muttered under his breath.

What an ass

Seriously, he wanted to make the whole thing worse.

You could see the smokes rushing out of my dad’s ears right now

“I’m sorry sir and madam but with all due respect, I’m sorry you walked in on us like that, I know it look absolutely irresponsible, I’m very sorry about this, It was not your daughter’s fault I’ll take full responsibility for my actions. I was the one that came here uninvited”

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