home is where the hurt is

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Kay guys I’m back! Anyways ppl so sorrys for not updating for so long but I was in suspended writers block. But now I’ve got a new chapter and it’s longer, had more time this time so yeah hahahaha lol. Anyways hope u enjoy it and I might put Cameron in… but I’m not sure if I should bring him in yet. If I need to write more I will. Btw the story has got a twist. Spoiler alert!!! Jokes I aint telling u nothing. And if u wants me to upload chapter 3 fast then remember……. Vomit (vote, comment, fan me) thanks xoxoxox lalaluvitu (Witchinghour) PEACE!

“Mom, it’s good to see you” I repeated then ran right into her open arms. That’s when I broke down for real, sobbing like an idiot in front of my brother, so not cool, but who really cared.  My mother was squeezing me to death, she was crying so loud I’m surprised dad didn’t come running to see what the commotion was.

“Oh my baby, my poor baby” she kept chanting, my heart was breaking rapidly. My mother was a strong willed woman who never took bull from anyone, but seeing her so vulnerable in my arms like this made me wish I had called them over the years. After what felt like forever mom pulled away from me, wiping her face on the way.

“Let’s go home sweetie” she whispered thickly. I heard someone shift and saw Ethan on all fours once again; when I looked back to my mother she was already the white wolf I remembered her as. My house was a good mile or 2 away from the forest we were standing in, for a normal human it would take 2 hours but for a wolf it would only take 45 minutes. Mum and Ethan cocked their heads to the side urging me to shift. I was about to oblige when I remembered I didn’t have a wolf anymore, at least I didn’t think she would show herself, the heartache I felt three years ago came back in a rush, the pain was so agonizing I nearly cried out but shut my mouth just in time. Realizing that they still needed an answer I shook my head.

“I think I’ll just run in this form for now” I said with a faint quake in my voice. Ethan and mum looked at me strangely first then nodded and bolted with me not too far behind them. I remember a time like these 2 years ago when I kept pushing myself past my human body limits, Liam helped me through it, and without Liam I would have been as good as dead.

Start of Flashback

My mouth was dry and my lips were cracking, blood dripping down my mouth. I swallowed grazing my tongue over my bottom lips only to have the metallic taste of blood in my mouth. I kept walking, pushing myself even though my body was screaming for me to stop. The headache that had come on not too long ago was coming back strong; my head felt like it was splitting in two until Finally I gave in, my legs shaking I  collapsed on the ground, hopefully my death would be painless and I would end up  haunting Cameron for what he had done to me.


Oh how the thought of him used to bring bliss and now only anger and bitter hatred, 2 days ago my wolf abandoned me and now I’m lying here past the brink of pain, as I lay there I cried for my brother, my sister and my parents who I would never ever get to see ever again, my face was mashed against the ground and even if I wanted to move I couldn’t. Why, oh why did my mate have to be Cameron? If I survived then he would rue the day he met me. I promise. As the last thought left my brain I finally welcomed the darkness and hoped that I went to heaven.

 “Hey… hey wake up “

“Are you ok?”

A male voice woke me up, was it the angel Michael come to welcome me? I tried to open my eyes but I found that it was harder said than done as I struggled to move my lids. For what seemed like hours I was finally able to lift my lids but only by an inch to see two figures, I think, standing in front of me. My eyes were starting to feel droopy again so I finally gave in and stopped struggling only to be welcomed by oblivion.

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