Big bad she-wolf

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Hi everyone lalaluvitu here so yeah anyways I decided to write a story about werewolves after I read this amazing book. Well anyways I started today and I promise I will update everyday but I gotta sleep now

p.s inbox me what you would like in the story so I can make it more appealing to to you. I wont accept everyone but I’ll try. Well read this and tell me what you think if you want me to keep going then tell me. Oh yeah remember to, vote, comment everyone thanks

xoxox lalauvitu :P

chapter 1


“You and I? Mates? When pigs fly” he sneered. The blood rushing to my face I tried not to cry out at the unbearable pain he’s words had inflicted. I stood in front of him rigidly waiting for the next blow to come. He stepped closer; his scent so overwhelming I almost retreated but my wolf stopped me at the last second, standing her ground while howling in agony at the rejection that was soon to come.

Why? Why is he rejecting us? What have we done wrong?

 I didn’t have an answer but suddenly felt guilty because it wasn’t us he didn’t like it was me, skylar Evans the Omega of the pack. Two weeks ago I had finally found my mate, the joyful feeling I had felt had multiplied because my mate was none other than Cameron Lyon the school’s number one bad boy, the guy who took the title of hottie of the year (not to mention future alpha of our pack) the guy who was standing in front of me breaking my heart into shards.

“Why would I ever take you for a mate? That would be humiliating not only to me but also to my pack. What do you have to offer me that I don’t already have?”  He’s voice dripped with disgust making me wince every time he spoke. My heart squeezed so tight I couldn’t breath, gasping for air I reached for something to hold me up. My hands searched until they found an arm, I gripped it with all my might not caring whose it was and propped myself upright. As soon as I made contact electric shocks shot through my body like arrows, my wolf came alive again purring in ecstasy at the slight touch of her mate. I could feel her breeching my control, trying to get out but I wouldn’t let her

Not now

She growled in protest and pushed again but I pushed harder (as weak as I was) I finally managed to rile her down and under control. All too soon the amazing feeling of my mate vanished when Cameron yanked his arm away from me and growled, his eyes (which had been sea green) turned black with outrage. I cowered and stepped back giving him space before his wolf took complete dominance over his control.

“Don’t ever touch me again!” he growled in between pants. He moved forward, I moved backward. We kept at it until my back touched the hard cold stone of the back wall. He kept coming until we were only but a breathe apart. His scent sent my wolf into a maddening frenzy; I felt her pacing back and forth. His scent was nothing I had ever imagined, he smelled like chocolate which made it hard for me to not drool. I gulped and waited….he didn’t move.

“I want you to go, move as far away from this town as you can, hell you can even move to china for all I care” he instructed, his Alpha voice ringing out leaving no place for arguments. “Just make sure your far enough that I cant smell you, and never come back”

I nodded while my wolf howled continuously, tears pricked my eyes but I refused to cry in front of him I bowed my head to show respects to my alpha even if he had undoubtedly rejected me, and bolted right for the woods but not before I heard those dreadful words.

“Skylar Evans, I disown you as a member of our pack, from this day on your duties to your alpha are finished. Never come back to Crescent Dawn. If you fail to heed these orders I will not hesitate to eliminate you”

I kept running until my feet could carry me no more. I lifted my ears to see if he was following but when I heard nothing I relaxed. The events of the past hours came back to me in a rush; I finally let the tears that were aching to spill free. I couldn’t believe it, I had become a rogue. My wolf pushed again and this time I didn’t retaliate. As soon as I had transformed I bolted once again. My wolf howled and kept on. My heart had broken completely when he uttered those last words.

Skylar Evans, I disown you as a member of our pack, from this day on your duties to your alpha is finished. Never come back to Crescent Dawn. If you fail to heed these orders I will not hesitate to eliminate you

I cried out again. I could never explain the pain that I felt then and there. My wolf hadn’t stopped howling even till now; her heart was broken just the same as mine. She didn’t know why her mate had rejected her. My wolf suddenly came to a halt, wondering why she wouldn’t move anymore I attempted to run again but I didn’t budge. I was paralyzed.


Come on work with me here, you heard what he said we have to keep going

Silence. Then came a growl


It’s your fault! You are the reason why he rejected me. You! It was you!

I am no longer your wolf skylar from today on you are on your own


I shifted and found myself naked in the middle of the night. I couldn’t believe she had done this to me! I tried reaching her but she shut me out, she disconnected from me and I couldn’t feel her presence anymore. My knees gave out under me and I fell to the ground no longer able to hold my body weight

I had been rejected twice today, first by my mate, now my wolf. The pain I felt when my mate rejected me didn’t compare to the pain I was feeling now.

I was dying from the inside, with one last piercing scream I fainted. The world going black.

I will never forgive him


so how is it so far, good, bad??? tell me and i'll keep going either way :P xoxoxo

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