XXX. [Wild Card Weekend]

121 5 0

Other disguises 'Billy Football' tried out


An NFL quarterback


Things less up and down than the Jets season

Catholic Mass

Peyton Manning's polygraph reading when questioned about HGH

Reddit servers

The Challenger shuttle



Things less disappointing than the season the Cowboys had.

Socks for Christmas when you're 8 years old.

My son.


Other mixtapes that will be promoted on this sub:

Chip "R. Kelly": New Position (Wild Ride Remix)


Your teams 2015 season Nationwide commercial:

Saints: "God our defense sucked a dick"

Jets: "Are You Fucking Serious?"

Chiefs: "In the play-offs please don't lose"

Broncos: "Who's our starting quarterback"

Packers: "Jordy Nelson please come back"

Bengals: "Andy Dalton, take my thumb!"

Steelers: Can we be consistent please?


Things more surprising than the Redskins winning NFCE.

Jerry Jones wearing a fur bikini and doing the Macarena on top of a moving train


Things Jerry Jones thinks about while masturbating

Oh Billy, blond suits you...


What head coaching candidates are thinking after interviewing with the Browns

Do I really need the money that badly?"


Things Peyton Manning can do and not get suspended

Rwandan genocide.

Deflate footballs

Steal candy from babies


Healthier relationships than Eric Weddle and the Chargers

Johnny Manziel and Alcohol

Media Reactions to Potential Super Bowl matchups

"Tom Brady May Have Used Performance-Enhancing Soap While Showering

"Is Cam Newton black enough?"

"Cam Newton's Dab - ruining American children?"

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⏰ Last updated: Jan 07, 2016 ⏰

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