You Are You

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"You're lucky enough to be different, never change" - Taylor Swift


You are You

Smile as though no one has made you cry

Laugh as though no one has hurt you

Love as though nothing is broken

Sing as though no one can hear you

Dance as though no one’s watching

Hold as though no one has slipped through your hands

Trust as though no one has lied to you

Forgive as though no one has let you down

Flashback as though no one has made the memories painful

Wish as though no one has said it couldn’t come true

Hope as though no one has given up on you

Chase as though no one has told you you can’t

Fight as though no one has shut you down

Shine as though no one has made your world dark

Believe as though no one has doubted you

Dream as though no one has stopped you

Change as though no one has judged you

Live because no one can be you

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