Second Chance

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Isaac looked out the window and saw what was once familiar to him be so different now. There were more trees in the woods, making the nighttime seem so much darker and scarier than before. The cemetery he once worked at a few years ago, seemed so much colder and more abandoned than before, as clearly no one had the decency to keep up with the yard work. Even the high school looked different.

As the car came to a stop at a red light, Isaac noticed Beacon Hills High School had added two more buildings to the school, what looks like to be another field, maybe soccer, lacrosse, or a football field. But the most obvious change was the new black fence they added around the school. It was no longer an open school. Trying to skip school or leave campus must be harder than before, Isaac thought to himself.

It's not just the psychical appearances that are different in Beacon Hills, but the atmosphere too. It's been three years since Isaac left to Paris, and coming back to Beacon Hills doesn't feel like home anymore. It feels like a faded memory.

Isaac made the choice to take a chance to change his life, and he fully believed, at the time, it was the best decision he made for himself. But he learned something while he was in Paris; sometimes people don't actually change because they never knew who they really were. Eventually, he figured out he didn't know who he really was or what he wanted in life because the one thing that ever made sense to him was here in Beacon Hills. Yes, making a big life change is pretty scary but what's scarier is regret. Isaac never regretted leaving Beacon Hills and moving to Paris. What he did regret was leaving the person he left behind and he was hoping it wasn't too late.

"So, how long are you back for?" Scott pulled Isaac out of his thoughts as his foot gently eased on the gas petal, leaving the light in front of the school.

In Mellissa's car, Isaac looked away from the window on the passenger side and back at Scott. "I, uh, think I'm back for good."

"Really?!" Isaac heard the excitement in Scott's voice. "You have no idea how happy the pack is going to be out this news."

"Let's keep this between the two of us for now, okay?"

Scott's eyebrow furrowed but his eyes never once leaving the road. "Why? Do you think you might leave again?"

Isaac shook his head. "I just don't think everyone will be happy I'm back for good."

"Are you kidding me? Everyone will be thrilled!" Scott took a left turn he shouldn't have taken, causing Isaac to look back at the missed street from the side window, wondering where Scott is going.

"Everyone gathered up tonight for your surprise party!" Scott eyes widened. "Crap! I wasn't supposed to tell you." Scott looked back at Isaac who couldn't help but chuckle. "Please act surprised when you walk through the door. Lydia will kill me if she knew I blew it."

Isaac shook his head and looked down at his scarf and began playing with it with his fingers. He honestly didn't care about the party. It was a nice and sweet gesture, but right now, he only cared about one person.

"Is Y/N going to be at the party, Scott?" Isaac kept his eyes on his grey scarf.

Scott bit his bottom lip, trying to gather the right words to tell Isaac. Scott's scent suddenly changed as he began reeking with anxiety. Isaac turned around to see Scott's face no longer beaming with excitement. "She's not at Lydia's lake house."

Isaac closed his eyes shut. He shouldn't have been surprised she wouldn't be there, but a small part of him was hoping she would. His mind began to wonder where she could be tonight. Was she out on a date with another guy? Or maybe she had a family thing... Or maybe things haven't changed and she's still at...

Teen Wolf's Isaac Lahey x Reader ImaginesWhere stories live. Discover now