Beside Comfort

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Note: This is an AU imagine as this takes place before the pack heads down to Mexico to find (Young) Derek during the first episode of the fourth season and Isaac never left to Paris after Allison's death.

It's hard to believe yesterday I was supposed to be on my way to Mexico with Isaac in Derek's black Camaro to help Scott, Stiles, Lydia, Kira, and Malia find Derek, who was apparently kidnap by Kate, who we were sure was dead. But of course, as luck would have it, as soon was I was about get in the car, something snapped near my right torso. The excruciating pain causing me to yell in agony. I tried to tell everyone I was fine, but they wouldn't believe me. Then again, I'm sure they heard the lie in my beating heart.

In the end, Isaac freaked out, begging Scott to let him take me to the hospital and skip out on helping him find Derek. Scott agreed and said he would call his mother to meet us as soon as we got there. After that, everything was a blur, literally. The pain was excruciating. Tears blurred my vision and my head was killing me with a headache from all the crying. I was zoning out and had selective hearing, not to mention I was burning with a fever. I didn't hear anything as soon Isaac busted through the ER doors. The last thing I heard was 'appendix' and 'emergency surgery'.

Now, here I am 12 hours later, sitting on the most uncomfortable hospital bed ever, hoping Melissa would come in with another round of drugs since the first round was already starting to wear off. I was beginning to feel the pain and soreness from the surgery and I was ready to be highly sedated, STAT.

My eyes landed on the door at the sound of someone knocking.

"There's someone here to see you," Melissa walked in with her cute little pink scrubs.

"Is it my new best friend in the whole world, morphine?"

Melissa laughed. "No, but I'll get some if you like." I responded with a hum in agreement. "Okay, I'll go get it. Do you mind having visitor?"

"Is he a little over 6 feet tall, creamy porcelain skin, and has curls so curly you just want to run your fingers through and ruffle them." I smiled, closing my eyes and continued, "also has eyes as blue as the ocean that you could just stare at for hours, and a killer smile that just makes you weak in the knees, with a voice of an angel?"

"I was going to say Isaac, but that works, too." Melissa laughed. Melissa knew Isaac was right outside by the door. "Come on in, Isaac."

I felt my cheeks burn as soon as he walked in the room in his blue v-neck shirt underneath his grey cardigan and a devilish smirk on his face. I tried so hard not to give Melissa a death glare for what she just did. I wouldn't have said what I just said had I known he was in werewolf hearing distance because Isaac has never really heard me talk about him like before. Sure, I've gushed about him during girl's night out or at sleepovers with the girls, but never directly or intentionally towards Isaac.

Isaac and I weren't exactly a thing, but we were something, I guess you could say. We were best friends who were always together and people made the mistake thinking we were a couple. He was always there for me, protected me, and nearly wanted to punch any guy who laid their eyes on me. I'm not stupid, I know he likes me, and I like him. No, scratch that. I've been in love with him for years and I'm sure he knows it too. I'm sure he sees it every time I blushing after he catches me staring at him, hears my heartbeat being like a manic on steroids every time his skin brushes against mine, and sees me go weak in the knees every time he flirts with me.

"I can't believe you replaced me with a new best friend." Isaac teased with that devilish grin of his, making me weak in the knees again. Thank god I'm on a hospital bed and keeping me from falling.

"Yeah, well this new best friend gives me exactly what I want, numbing the pain."

"True and I can take away your pain too, but can your new heavy sedated BFF bring you presents?"

"Well played, Lahey. Well played." I tried to look to see what he had for me but nothing was visible. "What did you bring me?"

"I brought a deck of cards," Isaac pulled them out of his front right jean pocket. "Uno!" Isaac revealed from his back jean pocket. "And a travel size magnetic checkers board." Isaac pulled the small box from his front left jean pocket.

"Oh, thank god!" I smiled with joy. "There's nothing good on TV and these four bland walls were staring to bore me."

"Take it easy, alright?" Melissa interrupted. I had forgotten she was still in the room. "Don't get too competitive. You just had major surgery."

I nodded as she walked out of the room. I looked back at Isaac and his beautiful smile faded into a worried frown. He pulled the chair to my bedside and laid his hand on top of the bed, inches away from mine. I could tell he was wrestling with himself if he should or shouldn't hold my hand. Sure, we've flirted and people thought we were dating, but we've never actually held hands before.

Isaac looked down at both of our hands on the bed. I felt his fingers brushing against the back of my hand, asking if he can hold it. Every light touch sent an electric tingle in my body. I couldn't help but wonder what would happen if we were actually holding hands. I put that wonder in action as I grabbed his hand, and he immediately locked his fingers in mine. We were like the missing pieces to a puzzle and once they were found and put together, the pieces were a perfect fit.

Isaac finally looked up and locked eyes with mine. I could see the worry in his beautiful blue irises. "Are you really in that much pain?"

"Nothing morphine can't fix."

"I can take it away." Isaac put his other hand on top of mine, making my hand between both of his. He closed his eyes and concentrated. I didn't want to interrupt, so I kept quiet. Within a matter of seconds, I felt my pain slowly disappearing, feeling a sudden sense of relief. I looked down at Isaac's hands and saw his veins turning black.

"Do you feel better?"

I hummed in response. "Thank you."

"You're welcome." He kissed the back of my hand, which made my stomach flip. God, I can only imagine how I'll feel if his lips pressed against mine.

"What do you want to play first?" Isaac let go of my hand, which makes me wish he hadn't, to roll the overbed table towards me.

"How about a game of Goldfish?"

"Sounds good." Isaac shuffled the cards and dealt out seven cards to each of us.

I grabbed all seven cards and fan them out in front of my face, displaying the cards fate has dealt me. I look at the all the shapes and numbers in black and red. My eyes flicker away from the cards to Isaac, who was putting his cards in an order. "Hey, Isaac?"

"Yeah?" He looked away from his cards.

"Thank you for being here. I know if everyone else was here instead of Mexico, they all be here, but I'm kind of glad they're not here and it's just you."

"I'm glad they're not here either." The corner of Isaac's lips turned up, displaying his perfect smile. "Besides, there's no where else I'd rather be than with you."

"I think you're going to change your mind about that." I said nonchalantly.

"Oh really? Why is that?"

"Because I'm about to beat your little werewolf butt in Goldfish, Lahey." I smiled as Isaac laughed. "Do you have a six?"

Teen Wolf's Isaac Lahey x Reader ImaginesWhere stories live. Discover now