Chapter Three: Different Kind of Broken

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//December 1st; 8:36 AM; John's POV\\

It was a tad startling when John awoke in his bed with every fiber of his being throbbing and a quite obvious absence of clothing, but he just giggled confusedly when he saw that Dave was in the same predicament, unshaded eyes thick with first thing in the morning tears that quickly faded into his retinas. He smiled at his friend, and Dave, for a moment, smiled back, even going and reaching out to touch his face, swiping hair away from his eyes and behind his ear. It was nice and peaceful for John who could feel the warmth of his dear friend radiating from even a simple touch.

Then, Dave's eyes widened, like an electric shock had just coursed through him, and he jolted up in the bed, swinging his feet off the end and placing his head in his hands. It scared John, and he jumped up as well, worried about his friend.

"D-dave? You okay?"

"That didn't happen..." He mumbled "TELL ME that didn't HAPPEN"

Utterly confused, John did as he was told "Th-that didn't happen?"

Dave glared at the boy "This isn't a joke egbert" He groaned and rubbed his temples, standing and searching for his clothing on the ground, finding them completely soaked in a fluid John wasnt too sure he wanted to know what was.

"Oh my fucking god...." Dave made an aggitated noise from the back of his throught. He threw the clothing across the room, and as it - rather frustratingly - floated to the carpet, he pressed his back against the wall and slid down to the floor.

John shook, terrified of this new development "Dave...?" It came out as more of a squeak than he had intended, and he gnawed gently on his bottom lip to keep it from trembling.

The blonde looked up. For a moment, John swore that he saw a twinge of lust flood Dave's eyes, but it was gone so quickly he couldn't be sure. He stood again, this time slow and steadily, and went back over to the bed, sitting down on the edge.

He sighed gently, and rushed John into a hug. "I'm sorry" He whispered "I'm so sorry"

John smiled, enjoying the feeling of Dave's arms on his bare skin, and then tenderly returned the gesture. Then, before honestly thinking the action through, he pressed his lips against the smooth surface of Dave's forehead, then after leaning over and touching the area with his. "Don't be, Dave"

He wasn't sure why he'd said those words, or, as a side thought if he even felt in control of his body anymore. Everything had just felt so... so RIGHT that he'd looked past the odd little knot in his stomach that had been there since he'd woken up. The odd little knot was however pushed back down again when Dave looked up at him, grin plastered on his face that John knew belong to only him. That Dave belonged to only him. His heart throbbed, pounding in his ears, reverberating through his head.

And it hurt.

The pulses suddenely drew together into a single, agonizingly painful migraine, and tears blurred his perfect moment away. It hurt, it REALLY hurt. It was all he could do not to cry out. He felt like he was breaking, shattering into pieces, leaving the world forever. He didn't want to leave the world though, the world where his perfect moment had been. John's lips parted and he let loose a shreik, a call for rescue. A shout-out for relief. A scream for Dave.

John's screaming was answered by a sudden increase in body temperature and a low whisper right in his left ear.

"Wake up John"

"Wake up"

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