Chapter One: Welcome home

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(A/N : I'd like to apologize for the terrible quality of the previous chapter, I wrote it at about 1am or something or other while my friend and sibling were pestering me ceaselessly to play a game with them. Also, I'm writing the rest of the story in 3rd person, it's just easier for me to write that way.)

//John's POV\\

It hurts. Head, Arms, Legs, Breathing, Looking, Moving, even Thinking. Even Dave's touches, his tender yet stiff arms wrapped around John, hurt like all hell. And he cant tell why. Because not a word, not a name, a face, a single memory is present in his mind. Only Dave. And god does it piss him off.

He's sitting in the backseat of a car now, The two girls whose voices he heard when he was half awake in the hospital sitting next to him, smiling at him even though there's hurt and worry in their eyes. He doesn't recognize them, but he knows that he knows them from somewhere. He just doesn't know where.

Dave's silence is what kills John the most. All he wants right now is his best friend, his best bro, to hold his hand, hug him, tell him its all right with his beautiful voice. It driving him crazy how the one person he knows, even if its only his name, his face, his reason in john's life and none of the things they'd done together, is refusing to say a word. John just wanted to go back to sleep.

It was startling when the car stopped at a large airport, and Dave told John to stay put while everyone else got out. Was this what he and the girls had been talking about outside while the doctor got him ready to leave?

"Where are you going?" He asked the blonde, but he just sighed, took his chin in his cupped hand and then left, leaving John with a very 'what the fuck just happened' feeling in his gut.

Dave wasn't gone for more than 5 minutes.

He came back to the car, then picked john up and put him in the passenger seat. Dave told him he didn't want John walking yet. Dave started the car, but John wouldn't let him back out.

"What about the two girls?"

Dave sighed, pushing John's hands off the wheel "Cut that out, you're gonna hurt yourself."

John snorted, seeing he was in fact not going to receive an answer. The drive to the large white country house was, just as the former, taken in silence.

God why is it so awkward?

Dave opened the car door and once more picked john up like a child, which was almost comical considering the brunette was smaller than the blonde, then started toward the virtually unfamiliar door.

"Where are we, Dave?"

"Your house"

"This is my house?" John watched Dave slide a bright blue key with little red hearts on it into the slot, unlocking the door.

"You grew up here john, lived here your whole fucking life"

John winced. Dave was being extremely cold and distant, and he didn't know why.

"Sorry I asked..."

//Dave's POV\\

Dave sighed, taking the boy up to his room. It wasn't his fault that he was angry at the world right now, but his constant nagging and talking made him just want to leave him there in his bed and never come back, more so because every word stung, every question made him want to cry again. John should know this shit. He should know his sister. He should know his cousins. But mostly he should know that right now Dave really just wanted to be alone. He sat next to him on the bed regardless and hung his head, letting a single tear fall and blur his glasses and everything in the room.

"Dave?" John was sitting up, legs crossed, hands in the space between his hips and feet

"Lay down John" He didn't want to deal with him right now. He didn't think he could take anymore heartbreak right now. Why, of all people, did he have to be the one person the boy remembered?

"What's wrong?" John ignored him, bouncing closer until he was practically touching Dave, his breath so annoyingly adorably on his ear.

"Just...Just lay down Egbert"

"Not until you tell me why you're sad! Besides I just slept for like two months..."

"hold the fucking phone you were in there TWO MONTHS?!" Dave reared on him, shock in his stance and voice

John jumped, startled "I-I don't know...! I was asleep! I'm just guessing!"

Dave Growled "John... Just....!" He blinked when John giggled "What so funny?"

"You're cute when you're mad!" John smiled, almost angelically

Dave's face felt hot "Don't bullshit me EB"

"I'm not though!" John threw his arms around the other "Why would I lie to you?"

Dave coughed, taking one of his hands "Beats me, you used to like to fuck around with me"

"Jeez I must've been an asshole!"

Dave couldn't help the smile that played on his lips then after "Yeah pretty much"

John pouted "I'm sorry"

"Don't worry man, I liked it"

John smiled at that, and suddenly, Dave felt a bit better about everything. Despite what had happened, John was still the same, even if he had no idea what anything was, likely, even himself. Dave took the hand he held and when John was too busy laughing to care, kissed it gently. Yeah, things were going to be just fine.

Cold (A JohnDave Lemon-y Sadstuck)Unde poveștirile trăiesc. Descoperă acum