Chapter 12: Pack Your Bag

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Hey guys :) It's been a long time since I've updated but now that you guys have given me 10,000 reads I feel that I owe you guys one. So here it is, Chapter 12. Hold on tight because this is going to be a bumpy ride!



10,000 READS!!!

*Two Days Later*


I leaned back on the hind legs of my chair, already bored in the meeting and it had yet to even start. My father cleared his throat and gave me a pointed look telling me to straighten up my act. I setted the chair on the floor and then looked aroud looking for something to busy myself with. The doors to the meeting room opened and I jumped to my feet, standing proudly as some of the Elders from the other packs stood in front of me. I straightened my jacket in an attempt to make myself look more presentable.

"Alpha Dominic." one of the elders spoke, stepping forward to decern himself from the others. His gray hair already told of his age and experience in dealing with pack wars and problems. He nodded to me and then motioned toward the table, taking the seat on the left side of the Aplha's seat, where I took my place. My father sat on my right contacting me mentally.

'Where is she?' he asked, as he outwardly adressed the elders one by one. I looked at the clock on the wall and then shrugged in response. She had left two hours ago to go shopping with my mom. "Shall we begin?", Elder Gianna asked, her red hair pulled up into a neat pony tail. She was one of the younger elders, gifted in the area of prophesy. Though she could only predict events that would occur up to three days in advance she was still learning. And only being twenty seven at the time she had a lot of time to learn.

I scooted in my chair looking at the elders who all looked at me in expectation. "So I was told that this meeting was pretty importantant. My father said it had to do with the Annual Pack Meeting?" Elder Leon spoke, his authority strong in his tone. "You have proved to be a strong and determined alpha and you have all rights to be allowed to attend this year's pack meeting," I clapped my hands together, a wide smile on my face. "Well this is great!" I exclaimed, ready to go and tell my beta.

"Wait, Alpha Dominic." Elder Leon said rising from his seat. "You didn't let me finish what I was saying. You have all rights to join us but you did not reach all of our qualifications." he finished, leaving an unsettling silence in the air. "What do you mean? I've passed all of your tests. I stopped all of my drinking and partying. Heck I've even broke up with my girlfriend. What didn't please you?" I spoke out of frustration.

My father slammed his fist down on the table and rose from his seat angrily. "You had better watch your mouth. You do not speak to our Elders in that tone!" he scolded. I grabbed a fist full of my hair, frustraitedly. "But you don't understand. I was told last year that even though I was an alpha I had certain qualifications to meet! I went through the examinations, and the training groups. I did everything you asked. What am I missing?"

"It's the one thing that internally completes an alpha. A mate." Elder Gianna said. I stood there for a second and then started smiling. "Well that's not a problem because I have one." I said stuffing my hands in my pockets. Elder Mara scoffed. She was the youngest member of the elder counsil and was in fact two years younger than me. I dated her a few years back but broke up with her when she snapped and went crazy on me. "You mean like how you lied about Britanny being your mate a few years back." I shrugged. "I was childish back then. I'm different now. Now that I found my mate I realize that I have to straighten up my act and take care of her." I spoke in a daze.

Suddenly loud voices came from the hallway, in the direction of the front entrance. "That should be her." my father said turning to face the door. "Starlett!" I called toward the door. I heard her rushed footsteps moving towards us. "Is there something wrong?" she said as she entered the room moving towards me. "Nothing's wrong I just have some people I need you to meet." I said, wrapping my arm around her waist and pulling her to my side. As she spotted the Elders she blushed and tried to move out of my grip. "Elders, this is my mate Starlett. Star, these are the elders of our sister packs.

As she escaped my grip she curtsied quickly and then looked down at her feet. "I'm so sorry Elders. Had I known you were coming I would have dressed myself differently. I'm sorry I wasn't informed." she said as. she kept her head down and her hands folded in front of her. She was shaking slightly in nervousness. I took my index finger and lifted her chin up. "Hey," I said as she looked up at me. ", don't be so nervous." I said as I leaned in and kissed her on the cheek remembering that I had to take our relationship slow.

Elder Mara laughed. "Oh what a lovely performance. And where did you find a whore who was willing enough to play the innocent and humble role of being the Alpha's mate." she said as she stepped towards Star. A low growl rumbled in my chest. "Watch yourself Mara." I warned as my fists balled up angrily. Mara rolled her eyes and stood less than a foot from Star's face. "Mara, you should control yourself." Elder Gianna said as she began to move forward only to have Elder Leon grab her shoulder and shake his head in disaproval.

"Just stop lying Dominic. We all know that she's not your mate." Mara said as she leaned in and sniffed Star. "She doesn't even have your scent. Why don't you mark her already. Is it because she's waiting for the right moment or maybe it's for the most obvious reason. She's not really your mate." her sarcastic tone aggrivated my wolf. "And isn't it so convenient how she appeared as soon as the Annual Pack Meeting is coming up? I mean did you just find her walking the streets, or maybe she's not even a pack member! Are your parents traitors? You're probably nothing but a mutt."

I heard a small change in Star's breathing. My fists loosened as I began to worry about Star's well being. "Star, Are you alright?" I asked seeing her face harden. Mara didn't take notice and kept going. She waved her hand in front of Star's face. "Are you surprised that this didn't go as planned sweet heart. This wasn't in the script was it?" she said as she lifted a peice of Star's hair "Look. She's too shocked to react. " she laughed. "This attempt is worst than the one you tried last time."

All of a sudden Star's hand grabbed onto Mara's wrist. "Don't you dare touch me." Star growled her voice all most inhuman. Mara tried to pull her wrist free but only caused herself to cry out in pain. "Hey! Let go you mutt!" Mara yelled as she attempted once again to pull her wrist free. "I am not a mutt! You live in my pack, you follow my rules, I can take away your Elder position in a heart beat and I will not hesitate to. I am your Luna, you will respect me! You will not disrespect me infront of my mate, ever! Do I make myself clear?" Star growled. Mara looked at Starlett's face, terrified. "Please let go!" she asked her arm bend awkwardly. "I asked you a question! Do you, or do you not, understand me?" Star asked, her breathing now was labored and uneven. Mara struggled to nod.

Star's hand opened releasing Mara's wrist. Mara slunk back into the ground rubbing her wrist and looking down at the floor in embarrassment. "Well. I guess you can pack your bag Alpha Dominic. You can now join us at the official Alpha's Council." I smiled and then realized that Star's breathing had now stopped. She turned towards me, her eyes rolled back into her head. My eyebrows furrowed in worry. "Star?" I whispered. Her lips muttered something but I couldn't catch what it was before she collapsed. I reached out my arms and caught her. "No! Star, wake up!" I yelled as I kneeled down and pulled her motionless body into my arms.

My dad's voice yelled out for the pack doctor to be summoned and the Elders stepped back some reacting differently than others. I picked her up in my arms and carried her to her room. I laid her upon the bed and my mother rushed in behind me, keeping her distance from us. I took her hand in mines and held it. "What's wrong Starlett? Please tell me what's wrong."

So, how did you like it? Did you even like it? IDK

So please give me some feedback. I'd love to hear your thoughts and ideas about my story






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