The Accidental Soulmate

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Thirty minutes left...the knowledge crawled on her consciousness like a bug she couldn't quite swat away. Of course, it was supposed to be like that. The counter had always been there, chiming in her head, the soul wrist watch that everyone in the city wore was always ticking as well. Ticking until it hit zero.

It was different for everyone. For some, the clock started to tick when they were born, for some it started in twenties. Similarly, the speed of the clock was different for everybody as well. Once, her mother said that it was rumored that the speed depended on 'how much love a person would earn' in the lifetime.

She always snorted when she heard that. In their world, love wasn't earned, it was predefined – a fate no one could question, not even if they wanted to.


It was what scared her the most. What if she found someone she would never like? Someone stupid and annoying, someone who would fight with her forever. Her clock was ticking faster now; suddenly fear started making her nervous.

She took a long sip of her peppermint tea. Around her, the tea house was filled with chattering people, families taking out some time to be with each other, friends catching up with homework, couples having a nice time sipping their tea and looking into each other's eyes.

She sighed, who could be the one for her? The sullen boy sitting at the very last table, looking miserable? He looked like someone who went through a really bad breakup. He sighed every now and then...but there was no way he could be her significant other. They didn't know each other at all.


But what if she just avoided him? If they never cross paths as she reached her zero, that miserable guy wouldn't be her soul mate. Hira grinned to herself that was definitely a good plan. But her elder sister Manila often said that it was futile to run away from fate, because no matter how much you run, you'll end up crashing with it again.


''Hira!'' She stopped staring at the boy in the corner as she heard her name. Suddenly, her eyes widened and her heat began to beat a little faster. Standing there, waving at her with a grin on his face was one of her closest friend, Alby Stewart.

His full name was Albert but he hated it and shortened it down to Alby. He slowly came to her table and sat down in front of her.

Hira attempted to smile but somehow it came out rigid and forced. It wasn't that she was not happy upon seeing Alby, but it could just mean something else. She touched her wrist, unconsciously tapping her soul watch.

Could it be him? Alby – her best friend?


''I thought you'll be at the beach! Everyone was asking for you!''

Hira nibbled her lip; she had avoided the party on purpose. When her time started come nearer, she didn't tell anyone, afraid that others would influence her 'fate'. Not going to the party was the same thing. Every boy in the school would be there, drunkards and drug addicts, cute nerds to band members who wore eyeliners, jocks and players alike. No, she didn't want any of that.

''I was a bit tired so I came here instead.'' She lied, keeping a smile intact.

''Oh? So you came there? I didn't see you.'' Alby's tone wasn't suspicious and she was grateful that he trusted her. Hira tucked a stray strand of her hair behind her ear, looking at her lap. Was this a dream? Could it be that, fate knew what she wanted and wished?

She peeked at Alby, his chocolate brown eyes twinkling with life, his cheeks reddened from running all the way here, his full lips poised in that grin she loved so much. Hira's crush was never so prominent before, yes she often stole glances at him in Chemistry class. She often dreamed about him, she often thought what it would be like to have Alby as someone greater than a friend?

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⏰ Last updated: Feb 12, 2018 ⏰

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