Six Feet Under

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The yellow and red leaves rustled in the occasional breeze. Soon enough, it caused me to tuck my long, ash brown hair behind my numb ears. Winter was nearing, and fall was coming to an abrupt end. The brown grass cracked under my boots as I walked hesitantly to the destination forever branded into my heart. Gray tombstones stood in rows and surrounded my shivering body. Most were cracked from the time they had already spent announcing who laid beneath. Wrapping my black coat even tighter around my waist, I glanced back at the lot where my red car sat. Tires crunching over the once gravel parking spaces, a large black truck pulled in beside mine. The windows were too dark to see who was now here, so I continued to inch closer to my Grandmother's grave.

A door slammed and I just shook my head at the lack of courtesy. Rolling my eyes, I stopped slowly and took a deep breath. Maybe, a tiny voice spoke from the corner of my mind, if you turn around now and go to her house she will be watching her favorite movie, 'Beauty and the Beast.' That pesky thought was absurd. But it didn't hurt anything to wish, right?

I clenched my jaw, and turned to the right to see the shiny headstone engraved "Martha Richmond; Loving Mother and Grandmother". The small amount of grass that had grown over the earlier autumn months had already turned an ugly shade of brown. Why did everything die? Especially her. Why couldn't some man who was a murderer take her place, what had she ever done?

I shoved the questions to the back of my mind so I could just try and have a peaceful visit. No point in arguing with nothing on why she deserved to have continued to breathe, laugh, and bake all day long.

"Grandma, it's me. I just wanted to let you know not much has happened. I've stopped looking down at my timer for I don't know how long. I'm 33 and still have not found my other half. Everybody I know has already had children except for a few, and those few have literally 22 hours left. Why can't I just be lucky?" I sighed and my shoulders hunched over, but I knew if she would catch me like this, she'd be upset. So I continued on and tried a happier route. "But I did get a new puppy. Someone to keep my company I guess. Her names Mira, and I swear she never has not wagged her tail. She always makes me laugh..." I smiled sadly as I retold the little happiness I had lately. Once I was finished retelling the last few weeks, I grabbed the white rose I put in my purse earlier, then placed it beside her headstone. She loved flowers. They were everywhere in her house leaving the place to smell like a garden. At least I still had things that reminded me of her.

My coat sleeve had rode up a few inches from my wrist. The numbers caught my eyes. Staring in disbelief, I looked at the 45 seconds that quickly ticked down. My heart drummed against my chest, threatening to burst.

I stood quickly and looked ahead to see who it could be. The man with the car was walking toward me at a fast pace. I blushed at realizing how handsome my soulmate was. His black hair was cut short, and he had a slight stubble. Green eyes watched me questioningly as I continued to stare at his approaching figure. I glanced eagerly at the time that was now 29 seconds. My brow furrowed. That couldn't be right, he was less than two feet away. I bit my lip as the man stepped right around me.

15 seconds

"No no no." I whispered frantically. Turning, I saw a woman ahead bent at a grave. She was too far ahead to be the one.

Not if you run. A voice whispered. I did run but still, I now had less than 7 seconds. I did remember one thing, in college my roommate had her someone call the wrong number that turned out to be the one she married. I grinned at the thought and slowed to a steady walk toward the exit, hands in my pocket ready to answer the incoming call.







I stopped.

No call. No text. No one.

It couldn't be right. Did that mean I was never meant for anyone? I tried my hardest to think of all the possibilities. Tears blurred my vision as I understood. A few seconds ago I had wondered straight in front a headstone. Without realizing it, I fell onto the grass. Warm, salty tears now cascaded onto my cheeks. Beside me lied three shriveled up flowers.

"Please. God, no." I whimpered and pressed my trembling fingertips against the engraved letters.

The stone announced proudly of the person who rest under it.

Bennett 'Ben' Milligan

A courageous brave soldier who gave his life for others

35 years young

"A soldier." My voice cracked. I offered a faint smile towards the gravestone. I'd have to find his family and have them tell me stories of what he was once like. I could read the letters he may of sent to loved ones retelling the stories of war. I could find out exactly who Ben was and why we were meant for eachother.

I had the rest of my life to live without him, but when the time comes, I know that we will no longer be apart, but forever together.

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