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I can honestly say I have no idea where my expectations where anymore. Before, I was under the naive impression that today would be just like any other. I would leave for work, Lizzie would go to school and Harry would sleep in until no earlier than two o'clock. My aunt blamed it on the jet lag, but I knew better. I could hear him through the walls, on the phone with various people, whispering harshly as if he were livid. Unfortunately our home was too small to contain more than three bedrooms on the top floor, and since I'd moved back in there wasn't a room to spare which left Harry with two options; Lizzie's room or mine. The discussion didn't last long, considering I had more than asserted my opposition to giving up my room and Lizzie was more than willing. 

It was gross really. 

I thanked my lucky stars that the bakery wasn't far from home, because I wasn't really sure if my self-preservation was strong enough to sit through the crushing silence between myself and Harry for more than fifteen minutes. I drove with both hands, my fingers clenched tightly around the wheel. The radio was a soft lull in the background, playing some catchy pop song I didn't recognize. Harry sat uncomfortably in the passenger seat, his knees practically curled into his chest. For the first time since receiving the beat up old bug, I was grateful for the limited leg space - as long as it made life harder for him, mine was more than alright. 

To my knowledge he still didn't know where I worked, but if he had any living brain cells in that blown up head of his, he's figured it out by now. I wasn't really sure how John was going to take it, considering I hadn't had any time to let him know I was a two for one deal today - hell, I hadn't had time to let myself know I had a sidekick today. Harry hadn't spoken a word since getting in the car and he didn't seem to be starting up conversation anytime soon, which would have to be the only thing I had to be grateful for when it came to Harry Styles. 

           "Carter darling, those table won't bust themselves," 

I muttered a few choice words under my breath, pulling the burgundy baseball cap lower over my face so they wouldn't see the sullen look I wore. I owed a lot to John and Barbara for even considering me as a candidate and I wasn't about to make them feel bad for something that was entirely my very own fault. My sour mood had nothing to do with how many tables I had to bust or the customers I had to please - the frustration that boiled under my skin was due to a certain green eyed boy being pampered ... again. 

Before I could even find the dishrag we used for this specific task, a hand shot out to stop me. Luke was once again out to save the day.

          "Why don't you let me take this one. You're much better at manning the cash register anyways," he said, placing himself between me and the rag and bucket. 

            "Luke you're such a horrible liar," I muttered, crossing my arms over my chest. He knew more than anyone the countless mishaps I'd had with that god awful machine. 

He snickered, "Oh c'mon you aren't that bad." 

        "Oh I know I'm not." I agreed much to his surprise. "It's her. She's pure evil," I muttered, sending a pointed look at the register in question sitting innocently up on the counter top. 


        "Why is she a girl? That's rather sexist," Luke countered, slinging the dirty rag over his shoulder like some kind of model. A table cleaning, minimum wage model. 

I rolled my eyes shoving his shoulder, "Just go clean the table busboy, I'll deal with Olga over here." 

Luke threw back his head and laughed, walking around the counter and towards the tables. The amount of female attention he acquired with just a few steps was admirable, given the fact he had no idea about his appeal. Teenage girls were shameless, that's for sure. Allowing myself a sly smile I wandered over back to the cash register, keeping my distance - you can never be too safe with that thing. My elbows perched on the counter, I kept myself busy with people watching; a favorite pass time of mine.

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