Chapter 11: Kidnapped

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The next morning I woke up to see Annik was gone, I looked around the room a little bit in a panic but I called down when I saw her out on the balcony with her back facing the room and facing towards the vast woods. I got up running my fingers through my hair and walked over. She was sitting cross-legged and had her eyes closed which automatically told me she must have been meditating. It was very early, the sun was still rising matter of fact. I gently tapped on the glass so it wouldn't really disturb her. She turned around and looked up at me. I opened the sliding glass door and poked my head out. "Hey, I'm going to get ready and go see if there is any coffee down in the lobby do you want anything?" I asked softly. "Nah, I'm good...You missed the first lights this morning by the way..They were really something" she got up and came into the room. "Well I'm sure there are many more to come" I said as I went into the bathroom to change. When I came back out she was sitting on my bed watching cartoons on the television. "I'll be right back" I said as I hugged her then went out the door. 

I went down to the lobby and got some coffee set up for myself but out of the corner of my eye I saw a tall, pail, and dark mass walking my way. "Good morning Mr.Bird...." Jakob Dredd's voice rasped by my side. "Good morning sir Dredd" I looked at him. He had that snake around his neck as always. "I'm surprised you don't have your little leech with you" he sneered. "Sir Dredd I would like to ask if you would be as kind as to not talk about Annika that way" my eyes slightly narrowed. "You know that little show you and her pulled off last night was very bold of you to do....Especially in front of me..."his eyes narrowed. "Why is it...You don't own her anymore so why should it make you mad" I looked at him. He smiled, "So she told you about how she used to be mine.....Mr.Bird keep in mind that I can get you both in trouble if I wished...". "Your threats toward her and I do not scare me....While I am around there is nothing you can do to hurt her" my voice was raspy and hasn't done that in so long. "You Like her don't you ?..You have fallen for her little tricks and well now I know what your weakness is Mr.Bird......" he laughed  and held his gaze on mine. "I have to go Sir Dredd...Goodbye" I got the coffee and began to walk off. "Goodbye,Oh an Mr.Bird...Send my regards to Little Annika...." he called, laughing a little as he did so. 

I began to know what Annika felt, that sick twisted feeling she got every time she was around that man. I stayed in the elevator for a while until I got to our floor and went to our room. She was still sitting but this time Lockwood was sitting in a chair across from her. "Ah, Mr.Bird there you are. I was just talking to Annika how when you two leave you will be back on the case over in Crestline " He got up and shook my hand. I nodded. "Annika would you be a dear and wait here while me and Johnathan speak briefly outside?" he asked. "Yeah sure, I'll have Sioux with me" She nodded. Lockwood lead me out to the balcony. "Johnathan...I had a premonition last night...About you" He said seriously. "Good I hope" I laughed a little. "It wasn't...You best keep your guard up for the next two days, you and Annika are in mostly" He said as he looked out to the woods. "Me?" I looked at him. "Yes, you. I do not have much detail to share on what may happen but all I can tell you is please do be careful" He said as he took hold of my hand. I nodded. "Good, let us go back inside" He walked back in. I followed him. Sooner or later he left to go attend to some High Witch business leaving me and Annik alone. 

"You look a bit shaken, you ok?" She asked as she played with Sioux and a shoelace. "Yeah..."I said giving a reassuring smile. We packed our things and Annik made the room look exactly as it did as the moment we came in. "Leave no trace" She winked and walked to the elevator as I closed the door. We went to the lobby and checked out. We went to the car and put our stuff in. We stood there for a little bit. "Hey it didn't burn down. surprising" She laughed looking at me. "Yeah" I said smiling and putting my hands in my pocket. It was calm silence until there was a loud screech of tires coming from the drive way of the hotel , a big truck burst through the gates and sped in our direction. I tried to get Annika into a safe place but I saw her go down with a tranquilizer dart in her shoulder. I looked at the people who had shot her but I soon was shot as well . I looked at the orange dart in my side and looked up at them as my vision began to go black, I fell next to Annik then knocking out.

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