Chapter 1 : Annika Kane

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It was very late at night, snowing of course because it was fall/winter. I did not own much so moving and unpacking was not all that troublesome for me. I knew that it was too late to get something to eat close by, The whole town was out by about 5 in the evening. I went out to my car to get the last box of things until I noticed the sound of music coming from across the street, I looked up and I saw the most rarest sight I have seen in my time here. A teenager. I could kinda hear the music she was listening to up on her balcony it was "The Great Pretender" by The Platters. I watched her for a while as she stood there holding a black cat in her arms. She looked down and kept her eyes on me for a few seconds and waved slowly.I waved back. "You're new" she said leaning on the railing. "Uh yes , I'm Jonathan Bird" I stood there with the box in my hands. "I'm Annika..Annika Kane...This is Siouxsie" She looked down at the cat as she scratched under her chin. I took a closer look at her in what little light there was and I automatically became a bit apprehensive with what she was wearing. She wore a beanie that looked to have a bunch of Satanic symbols and a shirt that read "You say psycho like it's a bad thing". "Um..Do your parents know you are still up?..It's very late.." I asked. "They don't care..well I should say he doesn't care....You seem like a guy who needs a bit of info about this place..mind if I come over tomorrow?" she asked as the cat rubbed against her neck as she smiled softly. "Oh, uh, I will be at work tomorrow so I will be busy at the church, sorry" I  played it like I was guilty as I closed the trunk of the car. 

"It's cool, I will wait outside for you...I am off of school and the church is just up the street" she said as the song in the background changed to "Time of the season" by The Zombies. "Um ..ok" I said as I laughed nervously , I felt my stomach drop a little bit. She smiled, "I will show you around" she then winked and turned around as if signaling her leaving, the meow of the cat was the final sound I heard before the balcony door closed behind her. "Lord please give me strength" I whispered under my breath as I made my was down the stairs to my house.

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