twenty / therapy

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A/N: Please note that I've never been to an actual therapy session and don't really know how is. I've been to one appointment and they just asked me a ton of questions and my next appointment isn't until mid-January; so don't be rude if I got anything wrong. I'm trying my best.


"Due to stress and resultant health problems Louis Tomlinson will take a break from being in the spot light to recover. He will soon be back to support his band during their upcoming world tour. We all send our best wishes to Louis."

Harry stared at the Facebook post the management posted a few hours ago. They all sat together in a meeting and thought about what they should say, and after talking to Louis about everything they had settled for telling the fans Louis will be out for a while, but not fully telling them what was going on.

Louis was okay with what was said because fans knew he was on his way to recover, but didn't really know why he was stuck in a hospital.

But as expected the fans weren't satisfied with the statement they've gotten. A lot were disappointed because the band had to cancel a few concerts and appearances on award shows, but they didn't want to perform without Louis. It didn't feel right. (And Harry understood, but felt like the fans should agree that Louis' health was the priority here.)

There were also a lot of replies of fans being concerned for Louis, asking what was going on, why he was in a hospital and why he hadn't been on his social media accounts for two weeks now. And there also were a few fans that thought they were trying to hide that Louis didn't want to be in the band anymore, that the break was an excuse to get time to persuade Louis in staying in the band.

Harry sighed, closed the laptop and put it away. He was now staring at the wall, lost in his thoughts. Louis was going to have his first therapy session today and Harry was worried how he'd take it, how he'd deal with everything but Louis requested on being alone during the session.

Niall, Zayn and Liam offered to stay with Harry since they currently lived in the flat anyways, but when Harry refused they went out to the movies. Of course they asked him to join and it took Harry an hour to convince them to go on their own, that he'll be fine being alone for a few hours.

And Harry was glad he was alone. He didn't plan on doing something or anything, but when three people are constantly around you and watch you it gets kind of annoying. Harry was a person that needed to be alone from time to time; always being around a group of people was exhausting.


Louis was sitting in his bed – that's all he could do actually, it would take time until he wasn't hooked up to machines anymore, and the doctors said it was too dangerous to let him walk around. Apparently his body was too weak and the chance to collapse again was too high. Louis understood, it was still annoying though.

The door was being opened and a woman walked into the room, carrying a small bag. Her hair was brown and reached her shoulders, she wore a brown dress and glasses were sitting on her nose. If Louis didn't know better he'd say she was a teacher, but he knew who she was.

"Hello Louis, I'm Dr. Lavery, your therapist," she introduced herself and held her hand out for Louis to shake before she sat down on a chair that was placed next to Louis' bed.

"But you can also call me Marla, if that makes you a bit more comfortable," she added and smiled at Louis. Somehow Louis already liked her; she just had this vibe around her. It was hard to explain, but some people looked like you could trust them and you instantly felt comfortable around them. There was no awkwardness, no nervousness. You just felt calm.

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