seventeen / "I just want Louis to be okay."

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Harry was sitting in the living room and silence was all around him. He was alone because the boys were still at the hospital with Louis, probably talking to him or whatever they did.

The TV wasn't turned on, neither was the radio so Harry just sat there, staring at the wall. He had left the hospital half an hour prior. Of course Harry had tried to talk to Louis quite a few times but Louis always refused to see Harry, and of course the boys didn't let Harry into Louis' room if Louis didn't want it.

So Harry had left before the hospital security threw him out, because that wouldn't look good in the news and his management was already a pain in the ass as it was, he didn't want more problems with them.

Harry missed Louis already, and on one side he was glad that Louis was okay, but it was his physical form. Louis wasn't okay at all, Harry was fully aware of it and it broke his heart to hear Louis talk like that after he almost died in Harry's arm.

A sigh escaped Harry's lips as he pushed himself up and walked upstairs, aiming for his room. He just wanted to get his laptop and watch movies until his mind was occupied with some else than this constant LouisLouisLouisLouisLouisLouis that was swarming in his head, but when he reached the upper floor his eyes fell upon Louis' door.

It was opened slightly and Harry could see Louis' messy room. Louis had always been messy, he always said that cleaning up wasn't worth it because everything was going to get messy again. According to Louis anything that had to do with cleaning was a waste of time.

And even though Harry loved it when everything was clean (you could say he was a clean freak, that's what Louis told him when he was cleaning up) he accepted Louis' messy ways. It never bothered Harry, and Louis was the only person who was allowed to be messy around Harry.

Harry turned around and walked into Louis' room. The air was a bit musty because no one was in here for days and Louis always kept the window closed. He always complained about being cold and now Harry now why he was always cold and he wished he didn't know, or that it didn't happen.

Clothes were spread all over the floor and Louis' bed was unmade, but smelled like Louis and the smell was comforting to Harry. He walked over the messy floor to the bed and sat down on it, looking around.

There were photos all over the wall, and Harry knew each photo because when they moved into the apartment he helped Louis to hang them up, and while doing so Louis had told Harry the story that was behind each photo, the happy times Louis wanted to remember whenever he looked at them.

Right now those photos all remembered Harry of the happy Louis, but Harry wasn't sure if Louis was happy when they moved in. Harry actually didn't know when all this started. Of course Louis had told him the story, but after all the lying Harry wasn't sure if Louis told him the truth. He wasn't sure for how long Louis had been unhappy.

Harry had been in this room quite often, but not anymore since Louis and him drifted apart, and Harry sure noticed a few changes. Louis had been messy, but he never was this messy. It was like he hadn't had any motivation even bring empty bottles to the trash can, or pick up the dirty clothes to wash them. It also looked like Louis hadn't dusted his shelves off in months.

Harry sighed and ran a hand through his messy curls, suddenly feeling even sadder than he did before, if it was possible. He thought that if he had noticed sooner it wouldn't have ended with Louis in the hospital.

What was if it was too late to help Louis? What if he had gone to the point where no one could help him anymore?

Of course Harry wasn't clueless when it came to eating disorders and depression. Harry knew about it, he just never thought that someone close to him suffered from that, and out of all people he didn't expect Louis to suffer so badly.

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