Chapter 3: A Walk

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Nezumi's POV

After the incident last night, we both waved goodbye and went to bed, although i didn't exactly get much sleep. I kept overthinking what kind of relationship me and Shion had and why i felt so weird around him. I had read in books before about situations similar to this but it had never been between two boys.

Wait, why am i taking this so seriously? I only just met him!

I got out of bed and sleepily walked down the stairs to get some breakfast. It was really early because of my lack of sleep and i had dark bags under my eyes.

When i got to the kitchen, i looked around in hope of seeing Shion somewhere but he wasn't around. I sighed and got a bowl off the shelf to make some cereal.

While pouring the milk, i felt a small tap on my shoulder and turned around to see a bright smiling face in front of mine.

"Good morning Nezumi!" Shion cheered with a grin.

"G-good morning..." I said turning around to grab my bowl of cereal. Stop stuttering Nezumi!

I sat down at one of the tables and Shion sat in front of me with a bit of bread and cheese in his hands. He was eating it like a hamster: holding it with both hands and taking small nibbles at a time.

"Why are you up so early?" I asked taking a spoon full of cereal and putting it in my mouth.

"Oh, for some reason i couldn't sleep last night. I guess i had a lot on my mind..." He said smiling down at his bread in his hands. I wondered what was going round that little head of his. "What about you? Why are you up so early?"

"Same reason" i said calmly.

There was a comfortable silence between us while we finished our breakfast and i got up first taking my bowl and putting it in the sink.

"Are you doing anything today?" He asked getting out of his seat.

"Not really."

"Then do you want to go on a walk with me?" He said with his famous smile. He wasn't the sort of guy that girls would fall for at first sight, he was more of a cute, lonely looking boy with a childish way of speaking. We were completely different in terms of looks and personality.

Not that i care much

"Sure whatever"

He cheered and then took my hand and dragged me off somewhere.

"I know a really cool hidden place in the garden that i want to show you! Its got flowers and you sometimes see rabbits hopping around!" I listened to his enthusiastic rambling while he pulled me by his side. Even though usually the things he was talking about wouldn't interest me, it was nice to see that he was passionate about something.

When we got outside, he pulled me towards a weeping widow tree where we stopped and he let go of my hand.

"Through here is the place that i was talking about. You cant see it cuz the leaves are covering it. Its like a wall to another world!"

"Your such an air head."

"Huuh? Nezumi thats mean!"

"Yeah yeah," i smirked "now lets go in."

We both pushed the leaves away and behind it was a meadow with all different types of wild flowers and tall grass that tickled your legs. (If anyone has ever seen the movie Howls Moving Castle, just picture the meadow from that)

"Ahhh the air is so fresh out here" Shion sighed as he flopped onto the grass and closed his eyes. I, on the other hand, took off my long coat and put it on the ground to sit on.

"Do you want bugs all over you?" I said looking at his relaxed figure.

"They wont come on me"

"Then whats that spider doing on your face?"

"Where!!" He shot up and crawled quickly onto my coat next to me while brushing himself off repeatedly. I laughed a bit and made some more space for Shion to sit.

I laid down with my hands underneath my head as i looked up at the clouds. I had never felt so relaxed.

Shion laid next to me with his hands by his sides.

"Look! That cloud looks like a dragon!" He said pointing up at the sky.

"Yeah" i said closing my eyes slightly, suddenly feeling the tiredness take over.

Shion's POV

I look over to where Nezumi is laying next to me and smile at his sleeping form.

I don't exactly know why I'm getting so attached to him but i guess part of it is that he isn't the sort of person to judge you from just one look and even though he acts quite bored, i know that he is really nice inside. I can be myself around him and he wont try and change me.

I find myself unable to look away from him and slowly budge up a bit closer to his side. I know he is the King and he could never actually like a penniless boy like me but i feel really comfortable around him.

I carefully place my head on top of his chest and close my eyes, letting sleep take over me.

Nezumi's POV

I open my eyes again to see Shion sleeping peacefully on my chest. You see i hadn't actually fallen asleep yet.

I place my arm around his slim waist and finally let myself fall into a deep sleep.

To be continued!!

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