The Demon Battle

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Brett's POV:

Looks like Zorax was right. The demons would come. And thankfully, with my new power, I can stop them.

I looked down at Victoria. I held out my hand, and said, "Are you okay?" She grabbed it, and I pulled it up, while she said, "I'm fine."

"You need to get out of here." I said. "It's not safe."

"Not safe?!" Victoria said. "What about you?"

"I will be fine. Go!"

Victoria still looked unsure, and tried to pull me with her. I slipped through her fingers, and ran out of the hole in the wall. I saw Victoria try to come after me, so I slammed my hand down in the ground, and a wall of glowing trees blocked her path.

Then I looked back at the giant demon that looked like a crocodile. He was back up, and ready to fight. I eyed him more closely, looking at his details.

He had two spiked black shoulder pads, a long, yellow, poison-tipped tail, and everywhere else was tough, scaly, green skin. He bared his long, sharp, yellow teeth. He spread fear in his essence.

I started to get a little scared, but got relieved when Zorax appeared by my side. But then, a giant bird swooped in from above! It's feathers were jet black, and it's claws and beak were golden.

"I'll take them." Zorax said, popping his knuckles. I made a tree stump and sat on it. Zorax began to grow and stretch. His muscles got larger, and his armor got stronger. His eyes got more keen. He stopped growing when he got to about 13ft tall.

"Since when can you do that?" I said. "I've been training for a while." He responded.

Zorax opened up his great hands, and lunged at the crocodile. He tackled him, and used his tail to try to grab the bird too, but to no avail. The bird swooped away and shot burning daggers from its wings.

They all just bounced off Zorax, and he launched the croc at the bird. It just nicked the birds left leg, but it was enough to make it stutter it's movement. That was just enough for Zorax to shoot a fireball from his mouth at the bird.

It hit, and the bird dropped to the ground. But just before it did, the croc returned and caught it out if the air. The croc opened his mouth, and the bird was in it, charging energy for a super shot.

Zorax gathered his arms in front of him, and a blue energy was being formed in his hands. They both charged for a few more seconds, and then the croc shot out the bird with a red energy.

Zorax then threw his arms beside him, and then thrust them forward, creating a giant blast of energy so strong it not only annihilated the bird AND the croc, but it took ten seconds after that for the aftershock to hit me. It launched me all the way back to the school.

I was thinking in my head, 'Total domination. Nice work Zorax.' But Zorax still had the look of battle on his face. I thought, 'Dude, calm down. No way there returning from that blast.' But then I saw a rustling in the trees in the distance.

Out from the trees burst a giant old man with a devilish look on his face. His lower forearms and hands were covered in this rusty metal with at least ten blades sticking out of them. He had two yellowish horns protruding from his balding head. But the weirdest thing was-

His eyes were staring strait at me. There was an awful fear that stuck my soul, and made me almost cry. But then Zorax slid into the path, blocking the old man'a view. "Agares!" Zorax called out. "Stop now! You know what your fate will be if you intervene with this boy!"

"Ha. AHAHAHAHAHA!!!" Agares called out. "You can't hide it from us. We know he is the Christian Hero. We will do everything to kill him."

Don't get me wrong, I was flattered, but "christian hero" seemed to mean something more to Zorax. Agares put his arms out and a red mist came out of them. It revived the bird and the croc as they charged back to the side if Agares.

He clumped on top of the croc and the bird rested on his hand. "Agares, I know your tactics." Zorax said.

"Yes, but do you know THIS one?" Agares said. Agares and his two animals morphed together. When they finished, Agares now had the bottom half and mouth of the croc and wings on his back from the bird. His spikes also got longer and sharper.

"AHHHAHAHAHAHA!" Agares called out. Zorax was unfazed by this transformation. A spear of light appeared in his hand, which he thrust at Agares. He slyly dodged, and flew into the air. Zorax opened up two of his six wings, which these were dragon-like in appearance, and lifted off into the sky.

Agares shot a thin red laser from his tail, which Zorax dodged. Agares then shot multiple lasers at Zorax, at which he created a wall of light to shield himself. Then Zorax lifted his right arm in the air and created a

paper-thin disc that he threw at Agares, which was dodged.

"Oh, Zorax. Such a terrible shot." He said. But then the disc turned around like a boomerang and sliced off Agares' tail! Agares cried out in pain, but the stump seemed to grow.

I eyed it more closely, and saw it was not only growing, but growing into three tails. Zorax flew back to me, and said, "Switch." And started to shrink back down.

"Wait, are you sure? I've barely had any training!" I said. "You have enough Holy Spirit in you." He responded.

Suddenly, I felt a great power swell up inside of me. I called out, "ARMOR OF GOD!" And a light swept over my body.

When it subdued, it left behind a shining blue armor. I had two blue arm guards, and my left arm had a blue elbow guard and shoulder pad. I also had a blue breastplate and a blue belt that connected at a yellow triangle. I had blue leg guards and blue boots. Lastly, I felt something on my head, so I grabbed it. I felt something hard, so I took it off. I looked at it, and saw a blue helmet that had three points pointing back right above the eye hole. I put it back on and felt my back. I could feel a large sword and a shield.

I quickly looked into the sky, which where I saw Agares float to the ground. "Now we're talkin'!" Agares said.

He put his hands an the ground, and it started to shake into an earthquake! I started to loose my balance, which Zorax helped me. "Go, Now!" Zorax said, and pushed me off.

I grabbed my sword an did my best to charge at Agares. I prayed to God, "Give me the strength I need to defeat this demon." And I felt myself lift off the ground. I looked below me and saw my feet were glowing.

I noticed I could still walk, just on air. I charged at Agares, jumped, and called out, "Power of the Cross!" My cross glowed, and I came down with a glowing slash that made Agares explode.

I looked behind me at Zorax, but instead saw Victoria. I suddenly felt exhausted, and collapsed while I passed out

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⏰ Last updated: Jul 27, 2013 ⏰

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