ugh Why do I still love you

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Justins POV

I walked downstairs feeling like a complete ass hole.  I just wasn't ready to be a dad. I'm only 17.I found Alec putting on his coat. I saw that he looked worried and Angry. I Watched as he closed his eyes. He seemed like he was kinda slipping away. Kinda like Emily Does.

Me; Where's Emily?

Alec; I don't know, but something isn't right. She isn't thinking anything. I can't tell where she is.

Me; She left?

Alec; Yeah she went for a walk about 3 hours ago

Me; I'm gonna help find her

Alec; Do you really think she wants to see you?

Me; Yeah, because I'm am the father of her baby

Alec; Well then you should act like it.

Me; I'm going to find her

I walked down the sidewalk looking and praying she was ok. I couldn't shake the feeling that something was wrong. I hoped this had nothing to do with Selena. I knew her. I can't lose her. After what I just said to her. God I hate my self. I felt something hit me and then I was enclosed with Darkness.

I woke up in this room is wasn't really dark except for one spot. I felt my hands the were handcuffed. I looked over to see Emily with her head against the wall. She was crying. She had a bruse on her arm.

Me; Emily I'm so sorry

Emily; Just save it ok. I'm getting out of here

Me; How your hands are cuffed.

I watched her as she screamed for Alec. It was my fault she got in this mess. She was carrying my child I had to do something. But what could I do. I watched as the door opened. Then Selena came in. guess who followed behind her. Collin.

Emilys POV

I sat crying against the wall. I looked over and found Justin waking up. God. Why do I still love him. I love him more than anything but why? so many reasons. I screamed for like 20 minutes for Alec. I knew he could her me I just dont think he knew were we were. I watched as Selena and Collin came in.

Selena; nice to see you finally woke up.


Selena; Alec is pretty cute, isn't he


Selena; Hmm I think we should have some fun with him don't you think so Collin.


Selena; Is that so, Collin

Justin; If you touch her I swear to God I will-

Selena; Will what your handcuffed

Collin came over and picked me up.

He took me out of the room. I screamed as he tried to shoot me up with something. I faut him for a while but then I felt it. And once again I was enclosed in darkness.

Justins POV

I cried while listening to Emily screaming. Collin walked back in and layed her on the ground. Oh god please no she can't be dead. Please not Emily.

Me; Selena please don't hurt her or the baby.



Selena; You really souldn't have said that

Me; please don't I will do whatever you want

Selena; Maybe we could have a lot more fun than I thought

I'm your mate? ..... Are you sure? ( A Justin Bieber love Story)Where stories live. Discover now