Chapter- Thirty Three

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I don't own Fairy Tail in anyway; everything belongs to Hiro Mashima.

Characters such as Ersulla + some spells such as 'Lights Congress' belong to me.


Erzas P.O.V

I was currently walking around town, I passed my favourite bakery where I would buy strawberry cheese cake. I walked past the armour place where I would have my swords and armour made or repaired.

"Hey! Watch where you're going lady!" A ragged man had pushed past me, almost knocking off the hood off the long black cloak I was wearing.


Letting my identity free would be bad considering the fact that most the city knows I'm dead. Not to mention I'm only about 25 feet away from the guild hall.. Memories began to rush through my brain as I found myself with teary eyes and my head hanging low.

Quickly gaining my composure I started walking again hoping I wouldn't run into Lucy or Gray or Mira, Laxus, Laki it didn't matter who, I was to remain unseen for now- it would be best.

-sigh- I continued my path while looking down at the sandals I was wearing.

"Hey Luce! Hurry up or you'll lose us!" My eyes widened as I brought my head up immediately only to look up to see "Natsu.."

Trying my hardest to sneak past without looking suspicious or sticking out I ended up being almost knocked over to the ground. "Sorry...! Are you alright... Miss..." The voice trailed off, not being able to identify me.


I tucked at my hood, desperate to not let any red locks show well scarlet "no worries, I'm fine." I spoke as low key as humanly possible it was barley a whisper, my voice is pretty unique.

"A-alright, I'll be going then, see you around" Gray walked away slightly waving as I just stood there with my feet were glued to the floor and my eyes were glued to my friends. I could have sworn I head "Erza" at the end of his sentence but you and I both know that's impossible.

Walking...walking.. More walking... Walking.... Skipping... Walking... Yawning.... Mumbling.... Memories.... More walking..... Grumbling stomach..... Walking.... Faster.... Hunger..... Walking....

Was all I could do, until eventually I was back. Back to the cliff I first left off from. I noticed a note by the 2 separate tents,

We ran out of firewood


I had company by Mystogan, yet I had never asked him what he was doing here come to think of it.'s been a long day.

Walking into my tent I decided I needed some well deserved rest.


I know this isn't going anywhere .... YET.

Shhh I have another chapter to write.


Apologies for spelling/grammar erros.


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