Chapter 11

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(A/N - SO THE LAST TIME I UPLOADED THIS IT MESSED UP. let's hope it works this time.) Zayn's PoV (oh snap WHAT? Hell yes.) I took another sip of my beer, setting it back on the table with a sigh of satisfaction, leaning onto the bar. I took a deep breath, taking in with it the musky scent of my favorite bar. I stared at the walls of the dimly lit room, thinking about how in a matter of days everything has changed. Harry was different now, and it wasn't a good thing. Louis showed me what he did to him, and he told me about his little game he was playing. Harry was going to hurt Louis, probably both physically and emotionally, but Louis wouldn't let me do anything about it. We got into a big fight about it, and I stormed out, going to the place I usually went to to unwind, my favorite Gay club, Barney's. There was a large dancing area, and a bar with multiple stools along the front for people to sit and drink away their worries. To the right were a line of red, dingy booths for the people that just wanted to sit and drink. It played great music, and the guys weren't too clingy, for the most part. Occasionally, a guy might be a bit too drunk and be a bit grabby, but the bouncer would get him and call him a cab. Over all, it was a great place to just let loose. So here I am, three shots of vodka and a beer later, and my brain was beginning to feel a bit fuzzy. I sighed, deciding to get away from all the people so I could drink until I didn't give a flying fuck about anything. I moved through the sweaty bodies grinding on each other, multiple guys managing to cope a quick feel as I made my way to the booths. I sighed in relief as I finally plopped down into a booth in the far back, the only place you could hide away from the rest of the crowd. I finished my drink and was debating on whether or not to get up and grab another, when a small boy threw himself into the booth with me. I cocked an eyebrow at him as he flashed me a bright smile, stretching out his hand for me to shake, which I gladly took. "Hi there," he said with a nod, "I'm Logan, you are?" His voice was feminine, yet manly at the same time. I actually liked it, it was nice. "Zayn," I finally muttered, giving him a half smile. I took in his appearance, and noticed how good looking he was. He had a light tan, from what I could see in the dim light, and his hair a light brown, swiped to the side in an attractive fringe. His perfectly pink lips pulled up into a breath taking smile, showing his bright, white teeth. "Well Zayn, hope you don't mind some company?" He asked hopefully, and it wasn't until then that I noticed his eyes. They were this strange shade of a violet-blue, and they were absolutely beautiful, and full of pleading at the moment. "No, not at all." "So what brings you here, Zayn?" He asked, leaning forward to prop his elbow on the table and rest his chin on his hand. I leaned forward as well, folding my hands on the table. To anybody walking by, this is kind of like saying 'walk away, we're talking' with a neon sign. I smacked my lips, unsure of what to say. "Uhm... Dealing with a bratty teenage causes stress," I finally said. His eyebrows shot up, and his eyes grew comically wide. I had to press my lips together to keep from laughing. "Woah... I... Uhm... How old are you?" He stuttered out. "19," I said, my eyes looking him up and down. "What about you? You don't look 21, or even 18 yet. I get in because I know the bouncer, how have you managed to stay in?" I questioned, narrowing my eyes at him in cocking an eyebrow. I noticed the way he blushed and looked down, starting to stutter words I couldn't quite catch. I leaned forward and placed my hand on his shoulder. He tensed up and i immediately let my hand fall back on the table. "Hey, it's fine. Just stick with me and try not to get man handled by too many guys, yeah?" I told him with a wink, making him chuckle. "I'm 16, ya know," he finally said, and I gulped, remembering the things that happened when I snuck into clubs at sixteen. I coughed awkwardly. "Yeah, uhm, Logan, is it?" I paused and he nodded quickly, "well Logan, since you are so young, I'd prefer it if you stayed by me for tonight. I'd feel personally responsible if something happened to you." I didn't want anything happening to some kid, and this gave me a great excuse to spend some more time with him. He smirked, looking up at me through his eyelashes. "I'm not as breakable as you seem to think I am," I started to protest that that wasn't the reason at all, but he stopped me. "... Either way, I would like to get to know you better. So sure, I can follow you around like a lost little puppy," he said with a smile. I laughed a little in disbelief. This boy was so different, but I didn't know what it was about him. It made me want to get to know him though. And even though I wanted to get to know him, this was a club, and I was bored. "Hey Logan, you wanna dance?" He bit his lip, blushing a deep red. I laughed at his nervous face. "Come on, it'll help you blend in, so how about we get a couple drinks in you, so all that nervousness will just wash away, yeah?" I watched as he debated on what to do, before he finally let out an exaggerated sigh as he stood up. I mentally high fived myself on my victory of getting him to stand up. I pushed him in front of me to get us through the crowd. While we walked across the dance floor out hands brushed against each others and I couldn't help but blush when he grabbed my hand in a death grip. In addition to his constant cringing, he looked absolutely mortified every time someone even touched him. He would stop dead in his tracks and I had to push him even harder to get him through the crowded area. I pushed him up to the bar and ordered six shots. He gasped and spun around, hitting my arm, and I laughed, knowing exactly why he was freaking out. "Relax, three are for me." I pushed three to him and brought the others to me. The bartender gave me a weary look. "Zayn..." He started, and I rolled me eyes at his worries. "Come on man, he's with me!" I said, pulling a blushing Logan into my side, my arm wrapped around his waist. I leaned forward and whispered, "Pout", in Logan's ear. He obeyed, and I almost choked at the sight of him. How did he manage to look so much like a kitten? He reminded me of Harry's pouty face, back when he was sweet and innocent. I coughed and shook my head, tearing my eyes away from Logan's irresistible face. "Besides," I said, looking at the bartender, "How could you resist a face like this?" I asked, leaning my head on his shoulder, smiling widely. The bartender chuckled and shook his head at our antics before leaving to talk to someone else. As soon as he left, Logan turned around and scowled at me. I tried to smile innocently as I batted my eyelashes. Logan smirked and shoved me playfully. "Oh stop, that's not going to work." I laughed and put my hands on his hips, pulling him towards me so he was standing in between my thighs. "Sorry I can't pull off the innocent look like you can," I said, and he blushed. I noticed how much this boy really blushes. He must be really shy. He bit down on his lip hard before answering. "I guess it just takes some practice," he muttered. We fell into an awkward silence after that, so I reached over and grabbed a shot. "You ever done a shot before?" I asked, and he shook his head no. "Okay, watch." I downed the shot, enjoying the burning feeling it brought as it slide down my throat. I put the shot glass back on the bar and turned back to him. "Think you can do it?" He shook his head saying no, and I laughed at his nervousness. "Here, I'll help you." I didn't wait for his answer as I grabbed another shot and pressed the glass to his lips. I placed my other hand under his chin, to tilt his head back. "Open." He did as I told him, and I poured the vodka in, tilting his head back so he'd be forced to swallow. He squeezed his eyes shut, wrinkling his nose up in disgust at the taste. I put the shot glass down on the bar and smirked at him, waiting for some kind of reaction. He shook his head back and forth and made a gagging nose. I busted out laughing as he continued to mutter about how disgusting it was. "That was disgusting! It burned! Why would you ever drink that? Bleh..." He made another disgusted face and my abs hurt from another round of laughing. "It's defiantly an acquired taste," I agreed, and he chuckled. I finished off my round of shots, and Logan's also since he couldn't finish the last one, having never drunk straight vodka before, He already seemed a bit hazy, and I felt the drink setting in on me also. I smiled over at him. "Do you want to dance now?" I slurred to him, reaching out my hand, to which he shrugged, muttering a quiet sure, and allowed me to pull him to the dance floor. We found a decent spot, and I placed my hands on his hips, pulling his back flush against my chest. He rolled his head back to lean it on my shoulder so he could whisper in my ear. "Zayn, I don't know how to do this." I almost face palmed myself because wow, he is so innocent. The alcohol in me was saying how I'd like to make a mess of that innocence, but I quickly pushed all of those thoughts to the side. I gripped his hips tightly, and leaned down to whisper in his ear. "That's alright, just loosen up and let your hips sway to the beat of the music." A new song started to play, a fast beat one I had never heard before. I swayed my hips to the music, bringing Logan along with me. He was blushing like mad and he looked very self conscious about his every move. "Relax, you're too tense," I whispered, my lips brushing against his ear. He shivered slightly, his blush getting darker and I began to wonder how he wasn't feeling lightheaded from all the blood rushing to his face. He loosened up and eventually got the hang of it. He eventually turned around to wrap his arms around my neck, his hands tugging at the strands of hair at the nap of my neck. He rolled his hips into mine, creating the right amount of friction. He blushed as I let out a low moan at the feeling. He leaned his forehead to mine, our noses brushing against each others. "You sure you've never done this before?" I asked him, my heavy breathing fanning across his face. Logan chuckled. "Maybe you're just a really good teacher," he muttered, biting his lip as he looked at me. I was distracted by his violet eyes, when I heard a yelp escape Logan's mouth as he was pulled away from me. I looked up to see a man about my size holding a worried looking Logan against him. I narrowed my eyes at the man. "Excuse me, but he's mine tonight," I told the man, doing my best to look intimidating. The man chuckled and I watched as he ran his hand up Logan's thigh, and squeezing his bum lightly, while Logan yelped, all while maintaining eye contact with me. "Oh yeah? What are you going to do about?" I looked up and saw the tears in Logan's eyes, causing rage to boil up inside me. The anger making my feel good buzz slowly drain away. "Let. Him. Go." My voice was beginning to scare myself, so I thought maybe it had left even a small impression on the man. Apparently not. "Make me," he snapped, narrowing his eyes at me as he threw Logan to the side, he almost tripped. He stepped close to me, pushing my shoulder roughly. A wave of cigarette smoke and alcohol assaulted my nose as his breathe fanned my face. One of his friends came up and put his hand on his shoulder. "Josh, let it go man." 'Josh' turned around to snap at his friend. I took this as a window of opportunity and kneed him straight in the groin. He hunched over and groaned in pain. I grabbed Logan's hand and pushed past all the people, dragging him out of the club. As soon as we were out, he threw his arms around my neck in a tight hug. "Thanks, for sticking up for me, I mean," he muttered in my ear. I chuckled and hugged him tightly. "It was no problem, he shouldn't of grabbed you like that," I told him, leaning back to look at his face. He blushed and bit his lip, nodding slightly. "So..." He started, "Big Boy Band, huh?" I busted out laughing at his comment, and eventually had to wipe the tears from my eyes. It wasn't even funny, but it's the most I've laughed in a while. "I guess you could say that, I mean, we are only number one in the world," I shrugged, looking at the ground, trying to play this off like it was no big deal. I heard Logan laugh so I looked up at him, my hazel eyes meeting his odd shade of violet. "You must be the Mexican one in One perfection? No! One infection? Maybe it was One Erection?" He pretending like he didn't know the name of our band, and I laughed at the last one. "I'll give you more than One Erection," I muttered, and Logan gasped before busting out in another fit of laughter. "Cheeky Zayn, Very cheeky," he managed to say between giggles. "The band is called One Direction, though I'm sure we've given more than our fair share of erections," I smirked and Logan giggled again, "and I'm Arabic. Not Mexican." I can't count how many times I've been called Mexican, it gets annoying after a while. "Sorry," logan said, "My mistake." "It's fine." We stood in silence for a short while, before Logan finally spoke, excitement and nervousness in his voice at the same time. "Can I show you something? It's a big secret." I wasn't sure why he would want to tell me, a complete stranger, one of his big secrets. None the less, I wanted to know, so I nodded. He lifted his pinkie and glanced at it, then back at me. I chuckled, rolling my eyes. "You can't be serious." He pouted a me. "Dead serious, Malik." I sighed, lifting my pinkie and locking it with his, never breaking eye contact with him. He smiled widely. "Okay, close your eyes." I did as I was told, his breathing the only thing letting me know he was still here. A few short moments later, I felt something incredibly soft and furry brush down my arm, and I jumped, not opening my eyes. "You can open your eyes now...," I heard Logan's voice say. I slowly opened my eyes and gasped as the sight in front of me. Here was Logan, looking as perfect as ever, except now, he had rounded, white ears on top of his head, and a long, white tail, with short black stripes along it. My jaw dropped as I starred at him with disbelief. "Snow Leopard," he muttered, shifting from foot to foot nervously. "I'm a Snow Leopard Hybrid." I shook my head and tried to make my voice even. "So.. Is there.. A lot of you?" I asked. He shrugged. "I don't know, I just woke up like this." "But wait, how did you hide your tail and ears?" "Ears laid flat on my head, and I used my tail as a belt! As Long as you wear a long, baggy shirt, no one will notice." "Oh..." I trailed off. Logan walked up to me and pressed a piece of paper in my palm. "If you're not too freaked out..." He muttered, giving me a small smile before he walked away, and I just let him go. I looked at the piece of paper one he was out of sight. His phone number. (A/N - here u go! This is for my friend Logan! Hoped you like it! && I got the tail idea from some girl in the comments, I'll go look later and post her username...)

Come back, kitten - Larry Stylinson (Hybrid!Harry)Where stories live. Discover now