Chapter 10

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Louis PoV

I rolled over, my body landing on something hard. Whatever it was hissed, and I felt something sharp dig into my sides. "Get. Your fat ass. Off me. Now," Harry growled through clenched teeth. I jumped off of him, off the bed, and into the bathroom to look in the mirror. Their were holes in my shirt now, from his claws, I'm assuming. I lifted the shirt and saw five claw marks, just barely drawing blood, but he still broke the skin. I sighed, rummaging around the medicine cabinet until I found some rubbing alcohol and cotton balls. I poured some of the alcohol on the cotton, the strong smell assaulting my nose, and pressed it to the cuts. I hissed at the stinging sensation. I dabbed at it a bit more, before putting my shirt back down and walking back into the bedroom. I decided the cuts didn't need any bandages or anything, they would heal soon.

Harry laid on the bed, hugging the pillow so tight, it looked like he was trying to strangle him. I gulped, just glad it wasn't me. His eyes were closed, but I knew he wasn't asleep. His long tail flicked back and forth in irritation. Sleep obviously didn't do anything to help his attitude. I sighed and glanced at the clock, it read 11:42. I can't believe I slept in that late! "Harry, come on, we gotta get up." I told him, and he just rolled over, completely ignoring me. "Harry, I'm being serious!" I grumbled, scowling at his bare back as he refuse to look at me. "Louis," he said in the same whiney voice I used, before his voice returned to the same rude tone he used earlier. "Fuck off," he snapped, throwing the pillow he was clutching at my face. I gasped when it hit me, and I could've sworn I heard a low chuckle coming from the younger lad.

I pouted and walked towards him, my fingers running through his curls as I spoke, "Don't be like that, love," I said, not realizing my mistake until it was too late. Harry grabbed me by my shirt collar, pulling me towards him. Our faces were very close, our noses brushed against each others as I starred at him with wide eyes. "I thought I told you not to call me that anymore," he growled, "I'm not yours," he moved so his lips were at my ear, his hot breath tickling me, making me suppress a shiver. "But you are mine." I felt his soft lips brush along my jaw line as his other hand moved to squeeze the back off my thigh. My breathe hitched in my throat and he chuckled. Questions rushed through my head. What did he mean I was his? I was the owner! And why was he acting like this? Just yesterday, I kissed him on the nose and he was a blushing, stuttering mess for at least ten minutes! But yet, here he was, placing soft kisses to my jaw as both his large hands pressed me flush against his chest. I didn't know what his angle was, but I didn't like it. I used one hand to push him away, and he narrowed his eyes at me. "Oh?" He said, making it sound like a question, as if he was surprised I had pushed him away. I shook my head quickly. "I don't know what you're doing, but I'm not going along with it."

Harry chuckled and pushed me roughly up against the wall, making me whimper as the back of my head hit it. I felt his soft tail wrap around my waist, pulling me even tighter against him. "I'm going to be honest with you, Louis," he started, I stayed quiet, listening as he spoke. "The past couple of days I've been with you, have been great. No really, too cute. How we cuddled, and called each other pet names," he muttered, slipping his hand under my shirt to lightly drag a single claw down my spine, making my back arch involuntarily, as much as it could arch since Harry was so close. "... It was sweet," he continued, "but I'm tired of sweet. I want fun, and I can't have that when you insist on calling me "kitten" like I'm some five year old who doesn't know shit, okay?" I didn't answer and he narrowed his eyes at me. "Okay?" he repeated, his claws digging into my back as he said this. I yelped in pain and nodded quickly. "O-okay! I-got it!" I stuttered, my eyes scrunching up as the pain increased as he dug deeper, before he finally stopped. He, instead, grabbed my wrist to pin them to my sides. He then dipped his head to press his lips to the sensitive skin behind my right ear. He nibbled and sucked on it, probably leaving a decent sized love bite, as I squirmed in his grasp, biting violently on my bottom lip to keep my self from moaning at the pleasure shooting through my body. It made the pain in my back go away for the time being, so I was thankful for that. I felt his warm tongue flick across the love bite before his kissed it softly again. "You see Louis," he whispered in my ear, "This is all just a game. I'm the player, I make the rules, you don't. You're merely an insignificant little game piece." He took my earlobe between his teeth and tugged, before pulling away and letting go of my hands, his tail unwrapping itself from my waist. He walked away without another word, shaking his hips a bit, or was I just imagining that?

I heard the shower turn on and I made the mistake of looking down, groaning at the semi hard on I was sporting. I tried not to think about Harry in the shower, but instead focused my attention to the burning cuts in my back. That's twice in one day. One day, and he's become a stranger. I don't know him. He's not my Harry. If this is how everyday from now on was going to be, I wasn't sure how much longer I could endure it. I wanted my kitten back, but he seemed long gone now. This was all my fault though. If I hadn't of let Harry go to the stupid scientists lab again, we'd probably be cuddling on the couch right now, watching reruns of the Simpsons with the boys, me running my fingers through his chocolate curls as he purred. I fucked up, and I wanted nothing more than to fix it, as soon as possible. I was going to get my Harry back.

(A/N - I'm renaming this story to "I miss my kitten." So yeah, the cover will remain the same tho. )

Come back, kitten - Larry Stylinson (Hybrid!Harry)Where stories live. Discover now