Chapter 15

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Next Morning

I woke up to Kevin being by my side

I went back to sleep though because I remembered that there was no school today.

*couple hours later 10 am*

Kevin wasn't near me, so I got up, did my morning routine and got dressed into thick joggers and a crop top.

I walked downstairs to not find anyone.

"Hello?" I said looking around. I soon then heard my front door open and shut.

"Sadi are you awake now?" the familiar voice, Kevin, said.

"Yeah, I'm in the kitchen."

He walked up behind me kissing me on the cheek. "Where is everyone?" I asked.

"I don't know,"

"Where did you go?"

"Somewhere" he waddled off to the living room around the corner and watched TV.

I put a couple pancakes on the griddle then soon got a call from a blocked number.

"Hello? Who is this?"

"Sadi its Deb, is Kevin there?"

"Yes, would you like to speak to him?"

"That would be nice"

I walked to Kevin and gave him my phone. Meanwhile, as I was flipping my pancakes I sat and thought about where was everyone.

Why would they leave and not tell me where they are?

"Why is she there?" I heard Kevin mumble. "Alright, I'm coming in a few"

I put my pancakes on the table and sat down eating "minding my own business"

"Um, imma be back in a few hours"

"Kay, bye" I said pecking him on the lips.

I looked at my phone whole going to sit down and finish. Scrolling through my tumblr, I got a call. From Devin.

"Heyyy," I said.

"Hey, can we talk"

"Sure, 'bout what"

"Something but like face to face."

"Okay where do you wanna meet?"


"Open your door." I could sense his smile through the phone.

I suspiciously walked to the door then gave him a warmimg hug.

As I was locking the door behind us I asked, "So, what do you want to talk about?"

"Well first," he started, pointing at the griddle, "your griddle is still on" he chuckled.

I ran to the kitchen to turn it off and played it "cool".

"Second, I'm sorry if I kinda startled you in any way last night. Like the things I said were really coming from my heart and I but I understand if you don't feel the same way. It was just from the start."

"What do you mean?" (hahaha💀)

"Like. When you first transfered here and I was your mentor. I found you annoying but *we chuckled in between* there was this vibe from you that was like 'wow' and it still amazes me" he bit his lip anxiously.

"Yeah, wow. So when you were kinda telling me about Kevin *he nodded* and you said 'I want you' *he nodded* you were for sure, talking about yourself?" He stopped and nodded.

He started "I honestly didn't think and didn't want to think that you and Kevin would date. But that's just how things work."

I looked around the room and then he said "Nevermind, you know what, just pretend I don't exist anymore. Um, yeah, bye"

"Wait Devin," I grabbed his wrist. I paused and gazed into his eyes, "Is that really how you feel?"

"Well...yes, I mean-"

then my brother Michael busts in.

"Sadi! Sadi!!"

"Yes??" I said.

"I don't want to see you EVER with Kevin again."

I nodded my head in silence as he put me against the wall.

"W-w-wait why!?"

"So I'm driving by from the high school for senior pics, and I see that nigga fully making out with that hoe you don't like. Um, um..."

"SAVANNAH?" Devin and I say in sync.

"Yeah, yeah, yeah, her."

I kicked a hole in my kitchen wall and ran to my room.

Devin slowly creeped in as I'm in tears.

"Are you okay?" he sat on the edge of my bed rubbing my back.


"Do you want me to do something about it?"

"No, it'll just get worse."

"Fine, okay"

I got up and started searching for something and started humming Ariana Grande's Almost Is Never Enough.

End here. But sorry I was out for a month. Updating again soon. Just preparing for highschool❤

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