Chapter 1

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"Risadia, I'll see you after class." Mr. Smith, my english/orchestra teacher, instructed me right after first period.

As the bell rang, everyone walked out as i slowly approaced his desk nervous to what he was going to ask me.

"Mrs. Mornes, your grades seem to be a bit off. Are you okay?"

"Oh yes I am fine." lying to myself, knowning that im not.

There is this concieted girl named Savannah. Its always all about her. Savannah, Savannah, Savannah. She thinks just because she is the "queen" of the school we (the sutudents) can be treated like slaves. I am one of them. She picks on me the most. And i dont know why,

"Hello, you there?" Mr. Smith caught me in my trance of thought.

"Oh yes, sorry. Ill get my tutor to help me." I said fixing my hair.

"Okay, give her these excersises to help you with. They are a bit challenging but i think you can do it."

"Thank you" i gave a lousy smirk and walked out the room. I flipped to the, what it felt like, thousandth page to see my quiz grade: 45?

This wasnt me, i know. I went to Social Studies to catch with my best friend, Shadia, aka, Shay.

"Hey, Shay." I said giving her our little hand shake.

"Hey wassup?"

"I dont know. My grades are becoming a mess."

"What you mean?"

I pulled out the packet Mr. Smith handed to me and gave it to Shay.

"Okay, where is the work?"

"Keep flipping, all the way to the back." I giggled.

I looked away to my bag then "Damnnnnnnnn!"

I knew she found it.

"What is going on- is it that skank ass bi- "

"Shhhhhhh." I whispered to her to be quiet.

Shay is like my older sister. But not really. We are TOTALLY two different people. No one would really expect us to be best friends.

"EXCUSE ME Ms. Shadia Zara Alexandra Simon." Mrs. Liner said aloud catching our attention.

Shay rolled her eyes and leaned back.

"I want you two to seperate." She was speaking to me and Shay.

I didnt say a word, got up, and walked to where she pointed me to. The corner.

Blah. Blah. Blah. Mute. Mute. Mute.

I was completely blank during the entire class just thinking how my tutor is going to feel about this.

*skips entire day*

I decided to go enjoy the walk home instead of taking the unneeded bus home when i live five minutes away.

"Mom, I need Shari, now." I said plopping my things on the couch.

"No hi, how are you-"

"Like seriously." I said pulling out the packet.

"She is in dance right now and wont be coming until 6 but what is the problem?"

She started flipping until she reached the end.

Its hard to be a 14 year old 9th grader with two older brother named Michael and Chris who are in 11th and 12th grade litterally watching every move you take OUT OF SCHOOL. In school they act like they dont even know me.

"Hey mom" Chris said "What's up?" Michael said trailing behind him kissing mom on the cheek.

"Um, well Risadia's grades dont seem to be right but im sending her to Debs' soon." She said anxiously.

"Okay," the boys said awkwardly simultantiously then walked up the stairs to the room.

"Dont tell pops." I said to my mom.

"Go do as much as you cant until Shari gets home."

"Okay." I said dragging my stuff including myself to my room.

"Literary Devices" i read to myself.

Ill just take a nap before Shari gets home. I said again falling asleep.

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