"The Thinking What" (Allen)

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"I think therefore I AM"

..."You are what?"

"Yes, and a thinking one"

..."A thinking what ?"


"The Thinking What" (Allen)

I am god, the thinking what, be one with me.

There will be NO pain.

Healing is right now.

I am god, the thinking what, be one with me.

Don't hide from me, don't be afraid, have faith.

I am god the thinking what, be one with me.

Don't Be Afraid" (Allen)

I looked within your eyes. I saw a locked door inside of your mind.

I was the person that kept screaming from behind,

Don't be afraid.

I looked inside of your soul.

 It was trembling soft but wild.

I spoke quietly then, I told it like a would a child,

Don't be afraid.

Don't be afraid of the world within, don't be afraid of the world outside.

Un-fold yourself. Don't try to hide.

Breath in the air, and laugh in the light.

I looked inside of your heart.

A met a spirit, burnt & froze.

I spoke calmly then, while I handed it a rose, said

"Don't be afraid"

Poetry & Lyric of a death obsessed megalomaniac with an inferiority Complex.Where stories live. Discover now