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Fiddling with the fire wood which was balanced to hold the steaming cauldron, the cat poured a pink, gooey substance into the water; it immediately bubbled a little more. Once seemingly satisfied, the cat advanced towards the little Pegasus, who tried to crawl away from her paws, desperate not to be dinner. But she couldn't. Quiet whimpers protruded from inside the cat's arms; the cat stopped, and the whimpers stopped. It carried on. Drawing closer and closer, a sweet aroma seeped up Electra's nose. Starting to struggle, the baby furiously flailed her hoofs and kicked her hind legs with all her strength, but this just made the cat's grip tighten. They were beside the cauldron. That was it. She'd be cooked. She'd be the treacherous cat's feast. Closing her eyes, Electra screamed as she hit the hot surface of the bubbly pink water. Nothing happened. Braced, she slowly opened her eyes. Stooping over her, the cat held a bristly wooden brush inbetween her teeth; carefully, she caredly scrubbed the top of the filly's head, which exploded with bubbly foam. So THAT was the gooey pink substance. Soap.

Cautious not to get any soap in Electra's eyes, Czatrhinia washed the child- she wasn't sure how the filly had come to float past her remote hut, but there was no reason that a small, innocent filly couldn't enjoy a hot soapy bath. And anyway, she was glad that SHE had got to the abandoned child before anything else- anything WORSE - did. After all, the child had an exotic, inpony feel about her; changeling, she thought. Not fully, but a little. From experience, Czatrhinia knew how the Equestrian economy took to newcomers, ESPECIALLY changelings. They slaughtered them.

So they were outcasts. Alone for hundreds and hundreds of miles in radius.

And they were outcasts together.

For many months, Czatrhinia took care of the filly, and, over time, became extremely find of her. She kept her as her own, telling her stories of her past, teaching her all the tricks and techniques of black magic, as her mother had taught her. She told her the story of how she had come to live so isolated:

As a kitten, Czatrhinia had been part of a gypsy family; they specialised in theft and escape. Once her mother passed away, her father and sister were caught and sentenced to execution among the equestrian troops for the theft of many valuable jewels. So this left Czatrhinia, alone and single handedly responsible for the undiscovered thievery that her deseaced family had collected over the years. Unsure of the consequences, she continued her gypsy lifestyle, and used her knowledge in magic to develope an unusual phsychic skill, able to see into the future and past with the right power and recipe to throw in the cauldron and see pictures. However, she knew that ponies only wanted to hear the juicy stuff, so she started a business in feeding false information to fickle minded ponies and earning petty coins. After a while, a riot broke out concerning who would claim the throne of Equestria out of everyone who Czatrhinia had told them they would.

Soon enough, her basic identity leaked into the security force and she was wanted throughout Equestria. At the age of 26, she fled from habitation and settled on a distant island (this one) and was never returned. And she remained, at the age of 103, alone and happy. Until Electra arrived and brightened up her life

Years passed, and Electra grew accustomed to her new home, undisturbed and comfortable in the love of her new guardian.

Little did she know that her whole works was about to change. Forever.

Worlds - part 1Where stories live. Discover now