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Down Electra fell, down, seconds away from certain demise. Above, the sky went silent, as if holding its breath, waiting, waiting. For what? That was when it happened. The most unbelievable, unexpected thing happened. From the humongous cloud directly above the falling filly, a massive, neon-purple bolt of lightning ripped through the coat of sky. It hit the child. But it didn't burn it to death. It didn't bring the filly to it's death, no. Instead, the baby stopped in mid air. Mid air, a small, sparkling what seemed like a gemstone rained from the open gap in the sky, digging into the chest of the filly, immediately being hidden by the swaying clumps of fur. At that moment, a surge of power ran down Electra's violet section of mane, instantly illuminating the zig zag. When she opened her eyes, her Iris's were furious balls of insane magic. She had been chosen. She was the Guardian of the electric Powergem.

Almost as suddenly as it had come upon her, the storm vanished from the atmosphere, leaving it a tired, orange colour. Unconscious, Electra continued to fall, crashing down into the tiny estuary which had been shyly tucked away underneath the blanket of forming cherry blossoms. Once floating in the small, trickling stream, a lily pad softly clasped the finally sleeping baby in its warm embrace, sacrificing its source of nutrients and breaking off its underwater stem. Seemingly sensing the infants movement, the direction of the wind suddenly changed, gently leading the boat away from danger, away from the worries of the world that seemed to infect the once happy population of earth. So her mother and father were dead. And there was nothing she could do about it.

But their spirits live on, guiding and correcting their treasure's path towards safety. And their love still lingers in the air, the reassuring feeling that everything would be okay.

Worlds - part 1Where stories live. Discover now