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Aylin felt like a fool as she stood in front of Darren's house. She had woken up at three in the morning and had hastily dressed up only to find nothing. His text had been clear; there was supposed to be an urgent meeting at his place, and Nixon and Graysen were supposed to be there as well. But the house was drowned in darkness, silence the only sound she could hear.

One last time, Aylin knocked at the door. The sky was beautiful, even if the fireworks had since long stopped. Like a black cloth, it covered her head. It was a starless night but that did not mean it was less spectacular. The clouds spread around in various tones of grey. Those near the moon were whiter but as they went further away, they grew darker. It was the perfect mixture of light and darkness! And it was terrifying!

Lost in her thoughts, Aylin did not hear the door crack open. It was, after all, one of the most beautiful yet scary things she had seen. What caught her attention was Darren's ringtone.

Get in.

Aylin stared at the door, shocked to see it open. Darren never acted like this, especially when he was supposed to be laying in bed with some girl, completely unconscious. 'It must have been very important for him to abandon a one-night stand!', she thought as she pushed open the door...

Only the light beside the stairs was on, which lead Aylin to think that the meeting was in Darren's bedroom. As his fake girlfriend, she had been there quite an awful lot of time, lazing around and fooling about...

Her footsteps echoed through the house, making her wonder if there was really anyone. Aylin was not really comfortable in dark and silent places; after watching too many horror movies at six years old, she was traumatised enough to still be sleeping with the lights on. Only Graysen was aware of that and she was grateful that up till then, he had kept his mouth shut for her.

Suddenly, there was a loud noise behind Aylin. Turning around, she found the door closed and engulfed by the shadows. Fear crawled under her skin, swimming with her blood towards her heart and altering the pace of the latter. The hair on her back rose, the temperature of the room imitating the gesture. Shuddering, she turned back to the stairs, only to find a doll sitting on it. Aylin let out a cry as she stepped backward, tripping on nothing and falling.

Laughter erupted around her but Aylin saw nobody. She knew that voice... she had heard it before. All of a sudden, the laughter ceased, the atmosphere worsening because of the sudden silence. Aylin hesitantly stood up, keeping an eye on the shadows and the creepy doll... It was not one of those usual pretty dolls; it seemed more like a doll, which had come straight from a horror movie. It had no hair and one of its eyes was missing. The dress it wore was torn and dirty, and its right leg was missing.

A noise pierced the night, as if something heavy was being dragged. It came from up the stairs, moving further and further towards the edge. Aylin watched with wide eyes as a girl, dressed in black and white, pushed a huge metal box towards the stairs. One last push and the box was sliding down the stairs. But it was not closed and its content spilled over. Aylin let out another cry as she realised that parts of a human body were cascading down towards her... A hand, a leg, a lung, a heart, another leg... Aylin watched with horror as they rolled, spilling blood like red ribbons on the white tiles.

When the box reached the stairs, the last of its contents bounced out of it and all the colours drained from Aylin's face as she realised that it was Darren's head. That was the last stroke; Aylin turned on her heels and rushed towards the door, screaming for help. But unfortunately, it was locked.

Aylin banged on the door, shouting and ignoring the chuckles behind her. She shouted until she lost her voice... till she felt a cold hand on her shoulder.

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