Chapter One

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It was seven thirty in the morning when Alexia woke herself up by falling face first out of her twin size bed. She had been dreaming of something beautiful yet sad. It was as if her fall to the floor had knocked the memory of the dream out of her head. She hopped up off the floor in excitement as she realized it was the first day back to school after winter break, and she was dying to see her best friends Ellie and Cheri.

Every winter, Alexia and her family went on a ski trip to the Rocky Mountains and every year when she got back there was a ton of useless gossip to catch up on. Alexia and her friends were decently popular at Youngstown High School and seeing as this would be their last year of school, they were making the best of it. The three girls spent their summer tanning their slim bodies on the days that it was nice out. On the rainy, cold days, they would stay locked up in Ellie's room, raiding her oldest sister's closet full of clothes that she had left behind after moving away from their small town.

The night before, she had laid out the perfect outfit for the first day back: a pair of acid wash skinny jeans, her favorite Rebel Spirit tee-shirt, topped off with her pink Abercrombie sweater. Before pulling the clothes on, she looked at herself in the mirror. Her light blonde hair was surprisingly neat considering she fell asleep with it wet, so she decided she would skip the shower and get right to curling it. Alexia pulled a comb through her hair before beginning to curl the long strands into loose pretty curls. After applying a small amount of eyeliner and mascara, she took another look in the mirror and was satisfied with her reflection and went downstairs to call Ellie.

The two friends lived a block away from each other and had walked to school together every day since the first day of grade ten. The phone rang twice before the familiar high-pitched bubbly voice answered. "Alexia!" her friend squealed. "I am so happy you're back from your trip! You have no idea what I have to tell you, but you are going to love it. I'm leaving my house right now. I will see you in five!" Before Alexia could even get a word in, the line went dead.

Typical Ellie, not even letting me get a word in. I wonder what she has to tell me. I hope she's not getting all gushy over some other loser guy that I have to save her from. That's Ellie for you, always getting into something that she thinks is totally awesome and cool and it ends up being lame or boring. Yup, either that or I bet she shows up with some crazy new haircut or something. While thinking this to herself, Alexia didn't even hear the doorbell ring the first time. When she heard the pounding on the door, she snapped out of her thoughts and got up to open the door.

There stood Ellie, the same as Alexia had left her, happy, stylish, and, as always, ready to burst into conversation. Her brown hair was pin straight, and her brown eyes were lined with thick black eyeliner, although not in a trashy way. "I missed you so much!!" Ellie pulled Alexia in for a big bone-crushing hug and motioned for her to put her boots on. "Speaking of missing so much, you missed so much!"

"Really? I didn't think it was possible to miss anything in this town. So, lay it on me. What is it you're dying to tell me? I can see it on your face you're ready to yap my ear off." Ellie smiled while Alexia set the alarm to her house and shut the front door.

"Well, first, I must say I am proud to have this kind of information before anyone else even has a clue."

"Okay, well, are you going to tell me, or are you going to make me guess?" Alexia asked as the girls started down the slippery sidewalk that was surrounded by half-melted piles of snow. Ellie's long brown hair blew behind them in the wind making her look like she was in photo shoot. Alexia had always been slightly jealous of how pretty her friend was. She had much fuller lips and her hair was several inches longer.

"Alright, so I haven't even told Cheri this, just so you know. I wanted you to be the first to know because I figured you are going to get first dibs anyways, so..."

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