Chapter Six

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|Hailey's P.O.V |

I ran upstairs.

Mom:Sweetie where were you?

Me:Outback talking to Zach on the phone we got in a argument last night, and now I'm going upstairs to see if Bries awake then imma text Sinsere because I miss her alot. I Wanna make some plan for her to come visit me or I go visit her.

Mom:Oh Bries asleep I checked and Sinsere can come here. I don't care as long as her parents know. And I hope you and Zach sort eveything out. I miss Sinsere too she's a good kid.

Me:Thanks mom. And me and Zach are fine now I'm going to FaceTime him after Brie goes home. And now that I know Bries still asleep can I watch T.V. with you?

Mom:I'd love that.
She said patting the couch seat next to her gesturing me over there to sit.

Me:Any shows in mind?
I said sitting next to her on the couch.

Mom:Nope, you?

Me:Nope, how about movies?

Mom:I don't care. You choose.

Me:Do what I do go to a genre and close your eyes and then click one and watch it.

She did as told.

We ened up watching the movie "The Longest Ride"
( Yes I know it's not on Netflix yet but I don't care it's a good movie. )

The movie was almost over, so I went up to my room.

I texted Sinsere because I got bored and I missed her so much I had so much to tell her I didn't know where to start.


Me:Hey girly. I have alot to talk about. First off, Texas isn't the bad actually and how would you feel like visiting me this month? For a couple days.. another thing is, remember that girl Brie I told you about on the plane, well we're really good friends now and ANOTHER thing is there's this boy named Zach and we're kinda dating. Your gonna meet him.. I can't wait. Text me back asap.

I got a text back soon.
I wasn't suprised she was always the one to count on for a quick response.

Sinsere:Omg are you serious right now. Yes I want to come to Texas and meet "Zach" who ever this is. And im glad you like Texas because you'll be there a while.
I'll ask my mom to see if I can come for a couple days. I'll let you know asap. Love ya girly. And I miss you...alot.

Me:Okay girly. Miss you too. You would be staying for about 4-5 days.

Sinsere:Okay girly. I'll ask and let you know.

Me:Kay..I can't wait to see you.

A few moments later about 20 minuets I got a text from Sinsere. I was scared to open it at first thinking her mom said no. Then I though wait it's her mom of coarse she said yes, her mom never says no.

Sinsere:My mom said no..


Sinsere:Haha nope. Jk. She said yes I can't believe you fell for that I mean it's my mom of coarse she said yes she says yes to eveything. I'll be on the plane tomorrow. Can your mom pick me up at the airport tomorrow?

Me:GODDAMN YOU SINSERE. your lucky I love and miss you to much to hate you right now. yes my mom can pick you up. What type of question is that.

Sinsere:Okay well I gotta go pack. Ttyl bitch.

Me:Okay bye asswhole. See you tomorrow.

I texted Zach to let him know everything.

-My King.

Me:Hey my king.
Tomorrow I'm going to pick up my best friend Sinsere from the airport. Can you go with?

Zach:Of coarse princess. ❤ come over?

Me:Sorry baby I can't Bries over for the day then her moms gonna come pick her up then I'm off to bed we have to wake up early tomorrow she'll be here early. I'll call you in the morning so I know your awake and up when it's time to go.

Zach:Can I spend the night then?

Me:Fine but no"" . Come over here you weirdo.




Me:Ughh. Never mind. just come with clothes. And bring a shirt I know what your capable of.

Zach: Ohhh man. Okay..

Zach came over, yes with a shirt on.

Zach:Okay what do you want to do while we wait for Brie to get picked up.

Me:I don't know, her mom will be here soon, want to play hide-n-seek Zachs version?

Brie:Omg yes, I haven't played that in a long time.
She said smiling.

Me:Okay I'll be it.

Zach:Okay. We have ten seconds to hide start counting after I turn the light off, but give me three seconds to move away from the light switch. Got it?


Zach turned the light off and ran. I started to count.

Me: 3,2,1 ready or not here I come.

|Zachs P.O.V |
I ran after I turned the light off. I almost tripped but didn't I don't know what it was we where only upstairs so I didn't think anything of it and ran into her bathroom also shutting the door quietly and turning the light of, it had to be dark so. I sat on the floor infront of the tub hopeing she won't find me first. I just sat there quietly.

|Bries P.O.V |
Okay I had ten seconds so I ran behind her bed I layed half way under it so just my legs where out so she could still tag me and it wouldn't be unfair. I think I heard Zach open the closet or bathroom door and shutting it very quietly. I didn't care, sounds rude I know but I didn't want to be it.
She finally was done counting and started to look for us. I was nervous at first then I thought I hope she doesn't trip on me. I laughed in my head.

|Hailey's P.O.V |
I started to search the room I looked in my room first, yes I herd a door open but I have like 3 doors in my room so I checked around before going into the hall way I couldn't see anything obviously so I just had my hands feeling around the room. I felt the bed and didn't hear anyone or feel anything so I went to find the doors. I tried to find doors to my closet first, I finally found it and my eyes where adjusted a little to the dark but I still can't see that well, there wasn't anyone in my closet and I looked for my bathroom and found it. I opened the door, i expected my eyes to be adjusted but nope pitch black. I fell on someone and I thought it was Brie at first. As I was falling I say "Found you.." landing on who I thought was Brie.

Zach:It's okay.

He said laughing a bit. Offering his hand for help.
I took his hand he wrapped his hands around my waist, I got chills up my spine.
I put my arms around his neck he leans in, I lean in closer. We start to kiss then I jump from the light being turned on I looked down.

Brie:Sorry was I interrupting?

Me:Um, no.
I said embarrassed. Letting go of Zachs neck.

Zach:Another round? I'm it.
He said trying to change the subject quickly.

As I push past Brie waiting to start round two.
I turn off the lights and Zach starts to count.

A New Life |A Zach Clayton Fanfic| 》discontinued Where stories live. Discover now