Fourth Miracle - December 23

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Gregory came from the bathroom and got inside his room to find a furious looking girlfriend in front of the wardrobe with a piece of paper in her hands. She looked up when he closed the door.

"Gregory, who's Anna?" Her tone was low and dangerous. She looked like a panther.

The boy frowned. "Anna? I don't know. Why?"

Jennifer let out a humorless laugh. "You don't know? Really? I think she knows you, because she gave you her phone number!" His girlfriend threw the paper towards him, but it fell right in front of her.

He put his hands up. "Jennifer, calm down, because I have no idea what you're talking about."

She pointed at the paper on the floor and talked through gritted teeth. "I found this on the bag with your brother's gift. I was taking it out of the bag to hide in the wardrobe and found this. What do you have to say in your defense?"

Realization dawned upon him and Greg pinched the bridge of his nose. "Shit."

The girl got even more furious. "'Shit'? That's all you have to say? What? Didn't you expect me to find out? I should have seen..." Her boyfriend came closer and put his hand over her mouth to stop her.

"Hey, be quiet for a minute and listen to me." He watched as she narrowed her eyes. "I just remembered Anna is the girl from the toy store where I bought Jake's present. She wrapped it and put it inside the bag. She must have used this opportunity to slip her phone number inside too. I'm sorry. I didn't even know it was there." Greg saw when her eyes came back to normal. He got his hand from over her mouth.

Jenn shook her head. "That bitch! I should go there and pull her hair out. Teach her a thing or two."

Her boyfriend laughed. "What was that, huh? You looked like a panther ready to rip my head off."

"I'm sorry. I wasn't thinking straight." She put her arms around his torso and laid her head on his chest.

He kissed her forehead. "I noticed, mamma bear."

Jennifer laughed and slapped his arm. "Let's go downstairs. I need food."

The boy rolled his eyes. "Of course you do."

"Like you're not hungry too." She replied smartly as they climbed down.

"Touché." He was starting to understand the thing about not letting the man win the discussion.

When they got inside the kitchen, his mother and his aunt Denise were mixing something in a bow.

"Hey, mom, aunt Denise. Good morning." Greg said as he got a cookie from a plate that was on the table.

"Good morning, girls." Jennifer said too while she grabbed a toast and a slice of ham from the fridge.

"Good morning." Both woman replied at the same time without looking up from the bow.

Everyone was quiet for a while until Margareth broke the silence, "Denise, there's something wrong. The texture isn't right." She furrowed her eyebrows and tasted a little bit of the mixture as she tried to decipher what was wrong.

Jennifer stood up to take a look inside the bow. "What are you doing? Maybe I can help. My mother is a baker." The girl said as she walked around the table to get closer to the women.

"It's a cupcake mixture. I want to prepare some today, so I can see if it'll be good to do tomorrow for the party." Margareth explained to his son's girlfriend.

Jenn nodded. "I see. Uh... Give me a spoon." She extended her hand. When Denise gave her what she asked for, the girl took a little amount of the mixture on the spoon and tasted it. "I'd suggest you to add more butter. And maybe half a cup of sugar."

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