I Slept With Someone in Fall Out Boy...

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You had awoken to some pleasant memories last night, the sweetness still lingering on your lips. The warmth of him still embracing you under the blankets. It seemed almost perfect. Emphasis on almost. Something was missing. Someone was missing.

You sat up too quickly. Dizziness engulfing you as you got out of your bed, walking past the other bunks. What time was it? Darkness. Was it too late? Or was it too early? You make your way into the main room seeing Pete laying limply on the couch with pizza in hand. 

He eyed you groggily, dark circles matching his jet black eye liner, "Hey Y/N, you're up?"

"I'm looking for Patrick. He disappeared."

Pete tilted his head just like Hemmingway when the poor dog was confused. Despite him spending the night outside the bunks, he still hadn't seen the sight of Patrick. You couldn't blame him though, the insomnia has been troubling him for weeks. 

"Be safe Pete, I'll be back in a bit," you assured stepping out into the cold air. He heard the concern in your voice and didn't object. He too was worried about Patrick and you surely were in a better state to be outside than he was.

Mumbling a good luck, he returned to rubbing his eyes, chewing on the leftover slice and trying to relax. You felt sorry for the guy but you both had the thought of Patrick on your minds.

You almost had forgotten how fucking cold it had gotten outside. You gripped your coat tighter to your body, seeing faint footsteps in the snow. Perfect. You cautiously followed them, careful to not cover the marks. 

What time was it? Didn't matter did it. You should've asked Pete before you left but he seemed too out of it to know anyway. The sky was a dark blue, seemed like a storm was on the rise. Seeing your current situation, it seemed so cliché. Bad news was coming. It was obvious. 

Small little town in the middle of nowhere. There was a little convenience store glowing in the distance as you turned the corner. The silhouette of two people in what seemed like a warm embrace contrasted again the yellow shop lights. 

You stepped closer seeing as that's where the footsteps were leading you. The two shadows merged together in a passionate kiss. You felt your heart shatter as you made out one of the figures. Tears were quickly running down and the cold air only threatened to turn them into ice. The cold salt against your cheek only seemed to make the fire in your throat worse. Blood began pooling in your mouth as your teeth dug itself into your lips. 

It was hopeless trying to keep yourself up, feeling your lower body collapse beneath you into the snow. Damn this cold, not even hypothermia would equate to the pain you're feeling now. 

It was true that some secrets weren't meant to be told.

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