Acknowledgement And Sequel Informations

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For me personally, this is the first ever book I've completed that has gotten this well received. It really did come as a shock to me, as this is one of the first books I had started when I was 12. At first, I had no idea where I was heading with this book, only with a rough plan of what will happen to each of the characters, and no writing skills what so ever. Which is why I was ready to give up on writing this novel, but suddenly I get this huge amount of reads and votes and comments from you guys, and it left me completely shell shocked. 

Thank you for believing in me that I will actually finish this novel, thank you for following this book from start to finish, I really hope I didn't disappoint you guys, especially with the ending.

I want to thank Sagittarius for making the absolutely beautiful cover for this book.

I want to thank alexlinds for editing the chapters for me.

I want to thank Alekyna for getting Alpha's Girl to #3 in Polish!

I want to thank all the readers who take time out from their reading to send me a beautifully nice message in my PM or on my profile.

I want to thank the readers who I had befriended who also supported me through writing this novel.

I want to thank all the readers who began to follow this book since it first published in March!

And most importantly, I would also like to thank all of my readers, without you guys this book would go nowhere, probably lying in a ditch somewhere discarded by me. Thank you for the endless amounts of support, endless amounts of votes and comments and love, honestly you guys are what brightens my day if I have a crappy one, and I hope this book has made you guys smile and laugh at least once.

Thank you guys for absolutely everything.

You guys are truly and actually the best people ever.

Stay beautiful, stay gorgeous, stay hilarious, stay fabulous.

I love you all so much xxx



Also, since a number of you guys are asking for sequels, I would just like to clarify. A sequel is not yet planned, but if I am writing one, it will be about Aphrodite and her mate. I do admit that I want to write one, but if I do, it will have to be up a little later as I would like to finish my other books first. 

The wedding scene for Axel and Cat will show up in The Forbidden Fruit, but in Delilah's POV. 

If you guys have any questions about the book or about me, feel free to comment them or PM them and I will try my best to answer it haha xx

And I just realised that I finished the story on Christmas Eve!

I wish you all a Merry Christmas and a Happy New Year, receive lots of presents, or if you are from China, get lots of money for Chinese New Year haha

I got my presents early, and I got seven books!!!! I nearly died because I was so happy haha


Love you guys

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