Story Starters - Teardrops

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Her blue eyes rimmed with tears and she looked at the casket- that held her beloved grandfather- for the last time. 

It was quick- his death. The heart attack came suddenly and unexpectedly as did the heart attack of her parents.

She remembered the good times, when she was little he took her to the amusement park, and the lights and dazzle her and she would be on cloud nine.

-Or when things looked bad at home -like they always seemed to be now- and he would hug her like he could take away all her fears.

But she couldn't think about that now, he was leaving her forever and there was nothing she could do about it.

A warm hand gripped her shoulder and she looked into the disheveled face, lined with age and realised it was her grandmother. "Come along now dear,  we should go" she said in a hushed tone. 

"But the service is not finished yet?" she looked at her, confused. "There are things we have to discuss" her grandmother whispered, her green eyes darting around the startled fish in the ocean. 

"Okay" she agreed unsure as to why she was being so hasty to leave when family and friends were still standing around the casket, not even bothering to look their way as they walked past, murmuring things like "she still doesn't know" but she shook it off.

She cast her eyes to the ground and trudged through the cemetery squishing the little bunch of wildflowers that were next to a gravestone that was as old as the person who stopped beside her. 

"When i tell you this", her grandmother said softly "remember, everyone has their secrets" .

She raised her eyes, shocked, only to meet the eyes of her dead parents and her grandfather.

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