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Though she still limped a little, it didn't stop Mira from enjoying the party.

Tim and Kate had long since vanished, and Mira was sitting down, enjoying the party from a distance.

Ally was beside her, smiling wistfully as Danielson and Maura danced crazily on the dance floor. They were dancing around to the latest song, which the DJ had figured he'd play. Wes was up there dancing too, along with Derrick, both of them making fools of themselves. Derrick had danced one slow dance already with Mira, so she figured she wouldn't ask for another, and neither would he.

Ally sighed, and when she looked over, Ally looked pensive. She must have been thinking of Dean.

"Ally, you okay?"

"Yeah. It's just sometime, I feel a little sad. Knowing about what happened. How stupid I was."

"You're not stupid. You weren't being stupid, Ally. You're one of the smartest people I know. Don't let Dean ruin tonight. After all, you're at a wedding."

Ally nodded, "What would I do without you?"

"Probably be happier," she joked.

"Wrong. You make me happy, Mi."

"I'm glad. I'm glad I make you happy. You deserve nothing less."

The DJ switched to a slow song, and Mike and Maura stayed up, swaying back and forth. Derrick collapsed in the seat next to Ally, and grinned across at Mira, his face sweaty.

And then Ally froze in her seat, as Wes walked over, "Heya Ally. You want to dance with me?"

She nodded, silent, before finding her voice, "I'd love to, Wesley."

She stood up, taking his hand, and they walked to the center of the dance floor. They swayed back and forth, increasingly enchanted with each other, spinning in slow circles.

Mira grinned to herself.

"What's up, Mi?" Derrick asked, watching her watch them.

"She looks happy."

"So do you."

She smiled over at him, and said, as sincerely as she could manage, "I am happy, Der. I just mean... look at her. She looks so happy."

"She's with her friends. She's safe. Dean is gone."

"You're right."

And that night, watching Wes and Ally sway about during the celebration of a different love, she was reminded how deeply she and Ally felt for each other. But then maybe whatever fears Ally had were now eclipsed by the promise of a fresh start. The promise of a new love.

Dean couldn't touch that. Dean was a million miles away that night.

And they were happy.


Kate snuggled closer to Tim, "It's almost time for the trial, Tim dear."

He nodded, "I know. And then a few weeks after that, I'm leaving again."

"I didn't want you to, you know."

"I know. Any new cases in your unit?"

"Nothing extra special. Nothing like... the case."

"Ah yes, the case of the hour." He paused, "What's on your mind, Cannon?"

"I'm just thinking about how Mike told me you looked like the happiest man on earth standing at the altar."

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