Chapter Six

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Mira was sitting in front of Nolan again. "Where's Danielson?"

"He had to go talk to Allison's other teachers."

"Ah." Mira looked at Nolan's notebook. "So what's the deal with Danielson?"

"I wouldn't know. He's only been my partner for a year." Nolan focused on her and Danielson's notes. Danielson had jotted his notes in his typical untidy scrawl that she was able to read after only an hour working with him.

"You talked to Dean, right?"

"You understand that this is information we're supposed to be keeping classified, you do understand that, right?"

"Of course I understand. But you did talk to Dean?" She was relentless, and Nolan almost couldn't blame her. Almost.

"Yes, we spoke to Dean."

"What does Danielson think?"

"Actually, Detective Danielson thinks that right now, he won't rule out either of you as suspects," Nolan said, but it didn't come close to throwing Mira off balance. But she wasn't really sure. Mira's face was neutral as could be.

"Why? Because he doesn't know what to think of me? Because I want in on the investigation?"

"I was the one who didn't suspect you. Don't thank me or anything."

"I know you didn't. You're a lot like Allison... that is to say she's a lot like you, Detective Nolan."

"What makes you say that?"

"Eager to prove yourself, as easy to see through as a plate glass window, and you want acceptance here. Right?"

"So that makes me like Allison?"

"I've heard it said that you can tell a lot about a person by their favorite fictional character."


"You and Allison both adore Kate Todd. I know that for a fact, can see it in your personality. I found it interesting, seeing as I prefer Ziva David."

"So what does that say about you?" Nolan asked, not in the mood for brain games.

"You tell me. You're the one who's trained in reading people.... No..." she stared, "that's Danielson."

"I would prefer it if you referred to him as Detective Danielson."

"Why? Because it bothers you that you still don't trust each other enough to call each other by name?"

"No." Nolan said firmly. "Please, I know you're enjoying yourself, you can stop trying to get inside my head. I don't appreciate it, seeing as that's my job."

"Well in a war, you have to know thy enemy. And thy allies."

"Really?" She asked, glancing up at Mira. "What does that make me?"

"An ally. If you're in this to find Allison, and not just for the paycheck. But you don't need to confirm, I already know what you're in it for. You want to find her, meet her, and learn if she is like you. But most importantly, you want her to be safe. But who did you talk to, that made you want to find her so badly? Couldn't have been her mom."

Nolan stared, "Not her mother. Her father. Ben."

Mira looked down at her hands, flinching a little, "I like Ben. He gets me. Great guy. Ally really looks up to him, and he loves her a lot."

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