Chapter 17

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She'd been released from the hospital earlier that morning, and had been driven to the police station by Kate, who was currently pacing her office. And then there was the matter of Derrick. He hadn't left her side since he'd found her.

Not that she was sure she minded.

She was sitting in a chair in the conference room, looking over at the white board. Kate was making phone calls in between pacing, and somehow it was keeping her calm. Mira herself was only distracted by Derrick.

"We're going to find her," he told her now.

"Since when did you become a cheerleader?" she asked, annoyed.

"I'm just being optimistic. Do you really think she's dead?"

Mira took a deep breath, "No. I think I'd know if she was dead."

He stared, "You have circles under your eyes."

"Why did you sign on?" she expertly dodged the question.

"Because like it or not, I'm involved now," he smirked.

"I'm serious."

The smile slipped, "So am I. I'm here now, for better or worse, regardless of whatever... um... past history we have together. I have to help."

"Do you feel you owe me?" she asked, "Is that why you're doing this? You don't even know her."

He turned to look at her, "But I know you."

She turned bright red under his stare, "What do you mean?"

"Mira, if she's this important to you.... I want to help you find her. Because anyone who invokes such clear love and obvious worry in you... she's very lucky."

"Maybe. But I don't think she's lucky right now. Dean hated me. What if he takes it out on her? He might even have already!"

"It isn't often I say this, but you have to stay positive. Thinking she's dead won't help her. But knowing that she's going to come out on the other side? It helps the whole situation."

"That's just it," she said, trying to remain stoic, "We don't know if she's going to come out on the other side."

"You were screaming," he continued, "Last night. Nightmares?"

"I've always had nightmares, Derrick. This shouldn't be any different."

"But it is. You're dreaming about her dying, and that's why you're scared."

She scoffed, "I don't get scared."

"You don't have to do this, you know. You can be honest with me. I think we can be honest with each other."

"If you think that, you don't know me at all," she brushed her hair behind her ear.

He bit his lip, "Mira.... I know you're scared. You can admit it."

"Okay, okay," she looked away from him, "I'm scared of what they're going to do to my best friend."

He touched her hand. She turned to look at him, confused, but he just smiled, "That wasn't so bad, was it?"

She punched him in the shoulder as an answer, "Did I mention you're no help?"

He laughed a little, then turned thoughtful, "She'll be okay."

"I hope you're right."



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