Chapter Nine

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(Y/n)'s POV

The breeze feels great tonight. The way it goes through my (h/l) (h/c) hair makes me feel amazing. I sit on top of a hill and set my backpack in front of me. I open it and take out my alchemy book. I set it on my lap and I begin reading it as the stars start shining in the night sky. This is nice.

I start humming softly, letting a smile appear on my face. I let my index finger trail down each sentence in the book as I continued humming. I then heard grass getting stepped on. Without causing any suspicion, I grabbed my backpack and opened it. I slowly got out my pocket knife.

"(Y/n)..." I heard. I stood up and quickly turned around, holding my knife straight toward where the voice came from. My book fell to the ground but I didn't mind. I then noticed it was Edward. His eyes were widened. "Oh. It's just you." I said as I put away my knife. "Why are you here?" I asked. "I didn't feel comfortable letting you go alone." He said. Damn he sounds clingy. "I'm fine so you can go now." I said. He walked closer to me, making me blush.

He stared at me. I blushed even more, looking away. "W-what!?" I said. He lightly chuckled. "It's really beautiful here." I said softly, looking at the stars. "So you like it here after all, huh?" He said, nudging me a bit. "Oh hush." I said as I rolled my eyes.

"Well it was nice having you here but you can go now. I have some alchemy to read about and I don't think Winry would want you here." I said as sat back down and read my book. "Shut up. We aren't together." He said. He sat down next to me. He was really close. And when I say really close. I mean. Really really. REALLY close.

I kinda pushed him away, blushing madly. He groaned and pushed me back. I looked at him. "Try me." I said as I stood up. "Let's go." He said. I cracked my knuckles and looked at him with a grin. I knew he was charge first so I quickly dodged him. I kicked him in the back, making him tumble down the hill. I lightly giggled and ran down to him. I bent down to him a bit. "I only got one hit." I said. Before I knew it, he grabbed my leg and pulled me down onto the ground with him. At this moment, our faces were just inches away.

My face was red and Ed's face was red. I glared at him and pulled his hair. "AH! LET GO!" He screamed. He then pulled my hair. I groaned and punched his stomach in hopes that he would let go of my hair. It didn't work.

I rolled on top of him and took his braid out. I kept pulling and pulling. I felt like a five year old. "OKAY OKAY YOU WIN." He said. I let go of his hair and smiled. As I was about to get off of him, he rolled me over where he was on top. I blushed like crazy. "I lied. I'm not letting you win." He said with a grin. He pinned my arms down. I whimpered a bit. I gave him a look. "Okay." I said softly. To his surprise, I kneed him in a place where no male wants to be kneed in. He groaned and rolled off of me. I sat up and stretched my arms. "Oh hell. Hey I'm going to get my stuff from the top of the hill. I'll be right back." I said as I walked up the hill.

Edward's POV

As I watched (Y/n) walk up the hill, I couldn't help but feel normal around her. I don't have to stress or worry about anything other than her safety. "Hey Ed." I heard. I quickly turned around and saw Winry. I sighed in relief. "Can you be anymore creepy?" I said. "So. Do you like (Y/n)?" She asked. She sounded like she was about to cry. Did I like (Y/n)? I didn't want to make her cry but I didn't want to lie. "I dunno." I said, rubbing the back of my neck with a tint of blush on cheeks.

"Ed. Do you think I'm pretty?" She asked softly. What? "Uh... Are you ok--" She cut me off with her lips slammed onto mine. I tried to resist but nothing worked. She was literally stuck to my face.

(Y/n)'s POV

When I saw Edward and Winry, I felt a lump in my throat and I felt as if my stomach dropped. I shook it off. They did seem like they were meant to be so I don't know why I'm acting like this. I ran down the other side of the hill so they can have some alone time. I then run to the house with tears falling here and there.

Once I got to the house, I shut the door and set my back on it. I covered my face and breathed a bit. I ran my fingers through my hair and took another breath. "(Y/n)? Are you okay?" I jumped and saw Alphonse. "I'm great!" I said as I quickly went to my room, slamming the door.

I sat on my bed and just let everything pour out. I saw the door open and I quickly wiped my tears. I then got up and started pacing the room. I looked in the mirror above the nightstand and looked at my puffy (e/c) eyes. I looked at the mirror in disgusts. I grabbed my backpack and suitcase. I opened the door and walked out. Before I could twist the front door knob, I was interrupted.

"(Y/n). Where are you going?" I heard. I turned around and saw Al. "Thank you for everything." I said. I smiled at him and walked out. As I walked down the dirt road, I saw Ed and Winry. Ed was ahead of Winry. He looked angry. I kept walking, hoping he wouldn't see me.

I was dumb to think that. He stopped in front of me. "(Y/n)? Where the hell are you going? This late?" He said. Winry stood next to me. "What's the matter? Leaving so soon?" She said. I gave them both a look. I took a deep breath and smiled. "Definitely send me an invitation for the wedding. I would love to go." I said with a shit load of sarcasm. They both looked confused. "Excuse me." I said I shoved my way in between them.

I felt something grab onto my arm. I looked behind me. "Ed let go." I demanded. "What's wrong with you?" He asked. I looked at him with anger in my (e/c) eyes. "I keep letting idiots hurt me. That's what's wrong." I moved my hand away from him and walked away. I felt a tear fall. But that doesn't matter.

He's gone.

Edward's POV

She's gone. I can't let her go. I just can't. Is it because of Winry that set her off? I don't know. I watched her as she walked off. My heart hurt and I felt like everything was numb. I was completely frozen. It then started to rain. My golden hair was dripping along with my clothes. "Come on, Ed." Winry said as she walked to the house. I slowly followed.

Winry's POV

I started to feel really bad. I knew I should've have done that. I ruined everything. What am I going to do now?

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