Chapter 1 : A Blast from the Past

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"Let go off me!" yelled a little girl with pig tails.

"No! You deserve it! You're ugly and rude!" wailed a little boy along with others.

"Ugly!" shouted one, hitting her in her face.

"Oww! You're hurting me! Stop!" Screamed the little girl.


"Don't tell us what to do!" Another shouted while hitting her.

The little girl's eyes started to burn as nine or ten boys started kicking dirt into her eyes. She fell to the ground and tried to cover her face to no avail. She started to lose consciousness and tried so hard to stay awake, but she gave up on that battle and fell limp.

When the boys and girls finally noticed that the girl fell unconscious, they started to laugh and left to go home.

                               It all started on a Tuesday in the coldest month of October.

"Class, we have a new student. Her name is Aaralyn. Aaralyn Maine. She just moved here," the teacher explained to her students. "Introduce yourself, Aaralyn."

"I'm Aaralyn," the little girl said.

Aaralyn had short brown hair and electric blue eyes. Her hair was delicately braided into two pony tails. She was wearing a blue dress with white flowers printed on it. She was also wearing glasses.

All the girls looked at her with annoyance, while the boys' eyes glinted with mischief. Probably already thinking of plans to torture the new innocent girl.

"Please take a seat," the teacher ordered. The small little girl took a seat in the corner by herself. She had a good talk with her mother this morning telling her not to stand out, or sing, play, or cause a nuisance. If she did, let's just say it was not going to be pretty.

Just as she was thinking about the consequences, a crumbled up note flew onto her desk. She uncrumbled the note to see what was inside.

'You're ugly,' the note said. The little girl just crumbled the note and turned so that they couldn't see her face that had turned red from embarrassment while hearing the other kids giggle.

After an hour of math, the teacher said, "Class, its time for me to go . Its music time. I'll be back later."

And with that, she left the classroom. In her place, came a blond-haired lady who looked like she was in her mid-twenties.

"Ah! I think I see a new face here! Please, tell me your name?" Asked the blond teacher.

"Aaralyn." the little girl said.

"Well, nice to meet you. I'm Ms. Smith. I can see that everyone welcomed you with open arms," she said looking at her students gleaming, while her students' eyes sparkled back with respect and admiration. "Now Aaralyn, let me hear your beautiful singing voice."

"I can't, I'm sorry," Aaralyn replied politely.

"Why not?" asked Ms.Smith, faking her smile. This did not go unnoticed by Aaralyn.

"I can't tell you," said Aaralyn, giving her own fake smile.

The boys and girls from her class were glaring daggers at her for not doing what their beloved music teacher asked her to do.

"Okay, well students. Let's sing the song when someone you know is sick. Let's ignore Aaralyn's behavior and sing," exclaimed Ms. Smith. 

"Okay," chimed her students while Aaralyn stayed quiet, refusing to sing or participate.

"Soft Kitty, Warm Kitty

Little ball of fur,

Happy Kitty, Sleepy Kitty,

Purr, Purr, Purr."  

The class sang excluding Aaralyn.

The same thing happened in P.E. Aaralyn refused to play, irritating her classmates to no end. She was also told by her mother that she couldn't play and not to tell the reason why. But by refusing, she got scolded by her P.E. teacher and had to take a "time-out."

When it was recess time, her classmates surrounded Aaralyn.

"What do you think you're doing?" asked a brunette.

"Nothing, just walking," replied Aaralyn looking down shyly, knowing this would happen eventually.

"That's not what she means, she meant why aren't you playing or doing anything. Do you think you're too good or something like that?" asked a redhead.

"No, its not like that.." said Aaralyn, avoiding her classmates' eyes.

That's when the girl couldn't take any more of  Aaralyn's simple answers and pulled her braided pony tail, forcing Aaralyn to the ground. Others joined in, kicking her and punching every part of her.

"If you tell anyone, it'll be worse," hissed a black haired boy, as they left her in the ground with tears in her eyes. She was definitely going to tell her mom no matter what.

Once she told her mom, her mother's response was to put up with it.

"If they think they can make you run away, they have another thing coming," Aaralyn's mom said while holding a crying Aaralyn. She started stroking her hair softly, trying to comfort her trembling daughter.

"Okay, sweetheart? Don't let them ruin your education. Don't give up," her mom said trying to encourage her. If only she had money, she would have moved  and transferred Aaralyn to another school, but sadly, her circumstances prevented her to. She only had Aaralyn's college fund, and she was not going to use that unless it was an upmost emergency.

"O-okay mommy, but what if they hurt me really badly?" asked Aaralyn.

"Don't think about that honey, just keep trying."

"Try to stay strong. Like me, who your father left for another woman. And I struggled a lot. But I kept fighting and look at us now," her mother said trying to soothe her daughter.

"Okay mommy, I'll fight and try my very best to keep you happy," Aaralyn said smiling.

"That's my girl," her mom smiled and gave her a tight hug.

Aaralyn's mother could not let her daughter be unstable. Her mother would do anything to protect her and not let the past repeat itself. While Aaralyn's mother's childhood was traumatic and depressed, Aaralyn's future would be better. 

No, she could not let her daughter go what she went through. She has to make her stronger.  Smarter. Wiser. Aaralyn would need to defend herself from anyone who tries to cause her harm.

But as the days went by, the harder it was for Aaralyn. She would always come home with bruises and cuts on her arms and legs.

Until one day, Aaralyn came home with her face bloodied and bruised. That's when Aaralyn's mother couldn't watch her daughter come home getting abused and decided to move her daughter to a different school by using Aaralyn's college fund money.

Her mother still hasn't given up on making Aaralyn stronger. She also used the money to get all kinds of teacher to teach Aaralyn self-defense and martial arts. All kinds of fighting techneques. By now, Aaralyn became stronger. With her mom's advice and support, she toughened up.

However, since that dreaded day when she was eight, the memories of the past will forever haunt her.

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